Introduction, (Ann Rigney and Thomas Smits)
Producing Memorable Images
1. Photojournalism, the World Press Photo Awards, and the Visual Memory of Protest, (Marco Solaroli)
2. The Photographs of Nair Benedicto and the Memory of Protest in Brazil, (Erika Zerwes)
3. Deniz Gezmi. takes to the Streets: From Photograph to Silhouette [tbc], (Duygu Erbil)
Reproduction and Remediation
1. Photography, Memory and Women in May ’68, (Antigoni Memou)
2. Scarcity in Visual Memory: Creating a Mural of Sylvia Pankhurst, (Clara Vlessing)
3. Memory, Iconicity and Virality in Action: Exploring Protest Photos Online, (Samuel Merrill)
Mobilizing Visual Memory
1. Visual Memory in Grassroots Mobilizations: The Anti-Corruption Movement of 2011 in India, (Alice Mattoni and Anwesha Chakraborty)
2. Visual Activism in Protest against Disappearances: The Photo-Portraits of the 43 Ayotzinapa Students, (Sophie Dufays)
3. Space and Place in Online Visual Memory: The Tank Man in Hong Kong, 2013–2020, (Thomas Smits and Ruben Ros)
List of Illustrations
Notes on Contributors
Index of Names