Six Communicative Deficits in the European Union, Karol Jakubowicz, Miklós Sükösd
Section 1: The European Public Sphere and European Integration
Chapter 1: The Transnationalization/Europeanization of Public Sphere/s, Slavko Splichal
Chapter 2: What is Europe? Geographies of Journalism, Inka Salovaara-Moring
Chapter 3: Media Representations of EU Matters in National Media Systems: The Hungarian Case, István Hegedûs
Chapter 4: Pan-European Media: Attempts and Limitations, Peter J. Varga
Chapter 5: Aiding Integration and Identity: The Unfulfilled Roles and Functions of the Romani Media in Eastern Europ, Peter Gross, Katerina Spasovska
Section 2: National and Transnational Identities
Chapter 6: The Media and Nationalism, East and West: A Revision of Existing Debates, Sabina Mihelj
Chapter 7: The Politics of Belonging: Identity Anxiety in the European Union, Farrel Corcoran
Chapter 8: European Media and the Culture of Europeanness, Dominic Boyer, Miklós Sükösd
Chapter 9: Pan-European, National, Regional and Minority Identities in the Eurovision Song Contest, Gonzalo Torres
Section 3: European Media Policy: Boon or Barrier to European Integration?
Chapter 10: European Melting Pots? European Integration and EU Audiovisual Policy at a Crossroads, Karol Jakubowicz
Chapter 11: Which Frontiers for EU Media Policy: An Assessment in the Context of the European Project, Monica Arino
Chapter 12: The Clash of Resonance: Media Pluralism in European Regulatory Policies, Beata Klimkiewicz
Chapter 13: Digital Television and the Search for Content, Petros Iosifidis
List of Contributors