The Diversity of Hungarian Jewish Lifestyles
The Three Aspects of Lifestyles Selected for Examination
The Structure of This Book
Other Characteristics of Hungarian Jewish Lifestyles
The Group of People, the Period, and the Geographic Entity That are the Subject of This Book
Old Photos as Records of the Way People Lived
The Advantages and Limitations of Describing a Culture Through Pictures
The Sources of Photos
Historical Overview
Hungarian Jews in the Second Half of the 19th and First Half of the 20th Centuries
1. What They Looked Like
The Way Hungarian Jews Looked in the Decades Before 1900
The Orthodox and Hassidim in the Carpathian Regions
Rabbis’ Clothing, Beards, and Moustaches
The Way Hungarian Jews Looked Between 1900 and 1940
2. Where They Lived
Jewish Neighborhoods in Budapest
The Apartments, Villas, and Palaces of Budapest Jews
Jewish Neighborhoods, Houses, Apartments, and Mansions in Provincial Towns and Villages
3. Where They Worked
Selected Bibliography
The Sources of the Pictures