CEU Press

Part I: Developmental Strategies
Pursued over the Past Century
Chapter 1: Centrally Planned and Administered Economy and Steep Ascent Strategy: A Complete Failure
Chapter 2: Development Economics-based Strategy in Less Developed Countries: An Incomplete Failure
Chapter 3: A Shift Toward Better Understood (and Appreciated) Classical Economic Prescriptions: An Incomplete Success
Part II: Transformations of Output Structure in the Process of Economic Development
Chapter 4: Industrialization: The First Major Phase of Structural Transformation
Chapter 5: The Shift to Human Capital-intensive Market Services: The Second Major Phase of Structural Transformation
Part III: Applying the Conclusions: BRIC Countries’ Developmental Strategies
Chapter 6: Russia and China: Some Historical as well as Performance Similarities (up to a Point…)
Chapter 7: India and Brazil: Two “Great Potentials”
Postscript: On Choosing Inefficient Institutions
Jan Winiecki is Professor and Chair of International Economics at the University of Information Technology and Management (WSIZ) in Rzeszow, Poland, former member of the Polish President’s Policy Advisory Council.