Freedom for Publishing, Publishing for Freedom

Timothy Garton Ash (ed.)
Freedom for Publishing, Publishing for Freedom
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Editorial note Introduction The History of CEEPP Before (1986-1989) After (1990-1994) Conclusion Funders, Trustees, Staff and Associates Catalogue of activity: Publucations, Workshops and Fellowships supported by the Central and East European Publishing Project - Elizabeth Winter Publications in Central and East European Languages Publications in Western Languages Publishing Workshop Journals Workshop Translators' Workshop Translation Fellowships Publushing in the Visegrad countries in 1994: A report with suggestions for Western help - Richard Davy Introduction Poland Hungary Czech Republic Slovakia Conclusions 100 Books which have influenced Western public discourse since the Second World War

Timothy Garton Ash (ed.)

Freedom for Publishing, Publishing for Freedom

This is an assessment of the Central and East European Publishing Project, an initiative designed to support embattled Central and East European publishers and journals, and to punch holes through the cultural Iron Curtain by encouraging translations. The nine years of its existence straddle the largest watershed in European history since 1945, and the Project's history - told here by some of its leading participants - illuminates the nature of the recent changes in Central and Eastern Europe.
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