Ibn Khaldun

Aziz Al-Azmeh
Ibn Khaldun
An Essay in Reinterpretation
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Preface to the 2003 Impression
Symbols and Abbreviations
Figure: Anatomy of the Muquaddima 
Biographical Note 

Chapter One The Primacy of the Historical
The Criterion of Historical Significance
The Structure of the Historical State 

Chapter Two The Problematization of History 
Anatomy of the Muqaddima 
The Muqaddima: Epitome with Glosses
The Analogical Regime 

Chapter Three The Historicity of Kitāb al’ Ibar 

Bibliographical Orientations 
Addendum to the 2003 Impression 

Aziz Al-Azmeh

Ibn Khaldun

An Essay in Reinterpretation

Since its publication in 1981, this book has established itself as the major new interpretation of the historical concept of Ibn Khaldûn, the great figure of Arab-Islamic letters and of historical thought overall--a figure generally thought to be on a par with Thucydides, Vico, Herder and others of similar stature.

The author has eschewed the ahistorical interpretations to which Ibn Khaldûn has normally been subjected, both by authors who have sought unduly to modernise his thought, and by those who sought to freeze it in stereotypical models of Islamic philosophy.

Ibn Khaldûn is not only a true historical source of his time; he is also taken as the unchallenged sociological and cultural interpreter of medieval North Africa and much of medieval and modern Arab-Islamic culture as well. The validity of his discourse is considered to be so universal as to confer upon his ideas the status of progenitor--or, at least, anticipator--of a great variety of modern ideas.


Aziz Al-Azmeh

Aziz al-Azmeh is Distinguished Professor at the Central European University, Budapest.