Preface and Acknowledgements
1 Broken Democracy, Predatory State, and Nationalist Populism
András Bozóki
2 Hungary’s Illiberal Turn: Disabling the Constitution
Miklós Bánkuti, Gábor Halmai, and Kim Lane Scheppele
3 Enhancing the Effectiveness of Basic Rights Protection in the Ombudsman’s Activity: Toward a European Type of Ombudsman System
Máté Szabó
4 Party Colonization of the Media: The Case of Hungary
Péter Bajomi-Lázár
5 Captured by State and Church: Civil Society in Democratic Hungary
Ágnes Kövér
6 Political Empowerment or Political Incarceration of Romani? The Hungarian Version of the Politics of Dispossession
Angéla Kóczé
7 Timike and the Sweetie Pies: Fragmented Discourses about Women in Hungarian Public Life
Ágnes Kövér
8 The Rise of the Radical Right in Hungary
András Tóth and István Grajczjár
Immune Reaction
9 Social Responses to the “Hybridization” of the Political System: The Case of Hungary in the Central and Eastern European Context
Péter Krasztev
10 The Road of the Hungarian Solidarity Movement
János Boris and György Vári
11 Milla: A Suspended Experiment
György Petocz
12 The Rise of the LMP Party and the Spirit of Ecological Movements
András Tóth
13 The Hungarian Student Network: A Counterculture in the Making
Alexandra Zontea
14 Increasingly Radical Interventions: The New Wave of Political Art in Hungary
Gergely Nagy
Life Perspectives
15 From Belarus to Hungary: Lessons from a Traditionalist Revolution
Balázs Jarábik
16 Dark VikTory
Joseph B. Juhász
17 Democratic Resurgence in Hungary: Challenges to Oppositional Movement (An Open-Ended Conclusion)
Jon Van Til