Capitalism from Outside?
Capitalism from Outside?
Economic Cultures in Eastern Europe after 1989
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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List of Tables About DIOSCURI Prologue: Going beyond Homo Sovieticus János Mátyás Kovács and Violetta Zentai Part 1. Entrepreneurship: Smooth Hybridization? Repatriate Entrepreneurship in Serbia. Business Culture within Hauzmajstor Vesna Vucinic-Neškovic A Small Miracle without Foreign Investors. Villány Wine and Westernized Local Knowledge Éva Kovács From Local to International and Back. Privatizing Brewing Companies in Eastern Europe Ildikó Erdei and Kamil Mareš Reason, Charisma, and the Legacy of the Past. Czechs and Italians in Živnostenská Bank Irena Kašparová Managers as “Cultural Drivers”: Raiffeisen Bank in Croatia Drago Cengic The Rise of a Banking Empire in Central and Eastern Europe, Raiffeisen International Violetta Zentai Part 2. State Governance: Unilateral Adjustment? Transmitting Western Norms. The SAPARD Program in Eastern Europe Katalin Kovács and Petya Kabakchieva Cloning or Hybridization? SAPARD in Romania Florian Nitu Caring Mother and Demanding Father. Cultural Encounters in a Rural Development Program in Bulgaria Haralan Alexandrov and Rafael Chichek Becoming European: Hard Lessons from Serbia. The Topola Rural Development Program Mladen Lazic Part 3. Economic Knowledge: Does Anything Go? Have Polish Economists Noticed New Institutionalism? Jacek Kochanowicz The Sinuous Path of New Institutional Economics in Bulgaria Roumen Avramov Soft Institutionalism: The Reception of New Institutional Economics in Croatia Vojmir Franicevic Institutionalism, the Economic Institutions of Capitalism, and the Romanian Economics Epistemic Community Paul Dragos Aligica and Horia Paul Terpe Beyond Basic Instinct? On the Reception of New Institutional Economics in Eastern Europe János Mátyás Kovács Epilogue: Defining the Indefinable: East–West Cultural Encounters János Mátyás Kovács and Violetta Zentai List of Contributors Index

Violetta Zentai, János Mátyás Kovács (eds)

Capitalism from Outside?

Economic Cultures in Eastern Europe after 1989

Does capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe need as solid ethnic or spiritual foundations as some other "Great Transformations" in the past? Apparently, one can become an actor of the new capitalist game without belonging to the German, Jewish, or, to take a timely example, Chinese minority. Nor does one have to go to a Protestant church every Sunday, repeat Confucian truisms when falling asleep, or study Adam Smith's teachings on the virtues of the market in a business course. He/she may just follow certain quasi-capitalist routines acquired during communism and import capitalist culture (more exactly, various capitalist cultures) in the form of down-to-earth cultural practices embedded in freshly borrowed economic and political institutions. Does capitalism come from outside? Why do then so many analysts talk about hybridization? This volume offers empirical insights into the current cultural history of the Eastern European economies in three fields: entrepreneurship, state governance and economic science. The chapters are based on large case studies prepared in the framework of an eight-country research project (funded by the European Commission, and directed jointly by the Center for Public Policy at the Central European University and the Institute for Human Sciences) on East-West cultural encounters in the ex-communist economies.

Violetta Zentai

Violetta Zentai is Director at the Center for Policy Studies, Central European University.

János Mátyás Kovács

János Mátyás Kovács is Permanent Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna; Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest; External Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.