The Harbour of all this Sea and Realm
The Harbour of all this Sea and Realm
Crusader to Venetian Famagusta
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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List of Illustrations Acknowledgments Introduction Michael J.K. Walsh, Tamas Kiss and Nicholas S.H. Coureas Section One: History Philippe Trelat Nicosia and Famagusta during the Frankish Period (1192–1474): Two Capitals for One Kingdom? Pierre-Vincent Claverie Stephen de Mezel Bishop of Famagusta and his Age (1244–1259) David Jacoby Refugees from Acre in Famagusta around 1300 Nicholas Coureas Apprentice Artisans and Craftsmen in Famagusta in the Notarial Deeds of Lamberto di Sambuceto and Giovanni da Rocha, 1296–1310 Michel Balard The Mercenaries of Genoese Famagusta in the Fifteenth Century Benjamin Arbel Maritime Trade in Famagusta during the Venetian Period (1474–1571) Section Two: Material Culture Ulrike Ritzerfeld Made in Cyprus? Fourteenth Century Mamluk Metal Ware for the West: The Question of Provenance Maria Paschali Crusader Ideology, Propaganda and the Art of the Carmelite Church in Fourteenth Century Famagusta Michele Bacci Identity Markers in the Art of Fourteenth-Century Famagusta Allan Langdale Pillars and Punishment: Spolia and Colonial Authority in Venetian Famagusta Thomas Kaffenberger Harmonizing the Sources: An Insight into the Appearance of the Saint Georgios Complex at Various Stages of its Building History List of Contributors Index

The Harbour of all this Sea and Realm

Crusader to Venetian Famagusta

The Harbour of All This Sea and Realm offers an overview of the Lusignan, Genoese and Venetian history of the main port city of Cyprus, a Mediterranean crossroads. The essays contribute to the understanding of Famagusta's social and administrative structure, as well as the influences on its architectural, artisan, and art historical heritage from the thirteenth to sixteenth centuries. We read of crusader bishops from central France, metalworkers from Asia Minor, mercenaries from Genoa, refugees from Acre, and traders from Venice. The themes of the city's diasporas and cultural hybridity permeate and unify the essays in this collaborative effort. Some of the studies use archival sources to reconstruct the early stages of appearances of various buildings. Such research is of vital importance, given the threat to Famagusta's medieval and early modern heritage by its use as a military base since 1974.

Nicholas Coureas

Nicholas S.H. Coureas studied ancient and medieval history at the University of London and currently works as a Senior Researcher at the Cyprus Research Centre in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Tamás Kiss

Tamás Kiss holds an MPhil degree in English and Drama from Queen Mary University (London), an MA in English from EL TE (Budapest), an MA in Turkish and Ottoman Studies from EL TE, and is currently a doctoral candidate at Central European University’s Medieval Studies Department in Budapest as well as a New Europe College Fellow in Bucharest.