Twenty-Five Sides of a Post-Communist Mafia State
Twenty-Five Sides of a Post-Communist Mafia State
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1. What Should I Call You? The Crisis of Hungarian Democracy in a Regional Interpretative Framework
Balázs Trencsényi
2. The Ideological Patchwork of the Mafia State
György Csepeli
3. A “Constitutional” Coup in Hungary between 2010–2014
Imre Vörös
4. Law under the Mafia State
Zoltán Fleck
5. The Post-Communist Mafia State as a Form of Criminal State
Bálint Magyar
6. The Circulation of Oligarchs
András Becker
7. From Local Cliques to Mafia State: The Evolution of Network Corruption
Dávid Jancsics
8. Links in the Chain: Patron-Client Relations in the Mafia State
Zoltán Lakner
9. The Social Policy of the Mafia State and Its Impact on Social Structure
Balázs Krémer

10. The Economic Policy of the Mafia State
László Békesi
11. Tributes Paid through Special Taxes: Populism and the Displacement of “Aliens”
Károly Attila Soós
12. Getting Rich as Mission: Swapping Elites on a Family Basis
István Csillag
13. The Banks of the Mafia State
Éva Várhegyi
14. Utility Price Cuts and Sector-Specific Taxes in Network Industries
Iván Major
15. Captured by Power: The Expansion of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant
András Deák
16. Controlled Competition in the Agriculture
Pál Juhász

17. Western Social Development with an Eastern Set of Values?
Márton Kozák
18. “One Camp, One Banner”: How Fidesz Views History
Krisztián Ungváry
19. The Land of an Appropriated God: Sacred Political Symbols and Symbolic Political Sacrality
György Gábor
20. Nationalism and Hegemony: Symbolic Politics and Colonization of Culture
András Bozóki
21. The Workings of the Media: A Brainwashing and Money-Laundering Mechanism
Mária Vásárhelyi
22. Restoring Servility in the Educational Policy
Mihály Andor
23. The Taming of Civil Society
Ádám C. Nagy
24. The Opposition to the Mafia State
Zoltán Ripp
25. Diplomacy of the Orbán Regime
Attila Ara-Kovács

Epilogue: Capitalism after Communism
Iván Szelényi

List of Contributors

Bálint Magyar, Julia Vasarhelyi (eds)

Twenty-Five Sides of a Post-Communist Mafia State

The twenty-five essays accompany, illustrate and underpin the conceptual framework elaborated in Post-Communist Mafia State, published in conjunction with this volume. Leading specialists analyze the manifestations of the current political regime in Hungary from twenty-five angles. Topics discussed include the ideology, constitutional issues, social policy, the judiciary, foreign relations, nationalism, media, memory politics, corruption, civil society, education, culture and so on. Beyond the basic features of the economy the domains of taxation, banking system, energy policies and the agriculture are treated in dedicated studies. The essays are based on detailed empirical investigation about conditions in today's Hungary. They nevertheless contribute to the exploration of the characteristic features of post-communist authoritarian regimes, shared by an increasing number of countries in Europe and Central Asia.
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Bálint Magyar

Bálint Magyar is Research Fellow at CEU Democracy Institute, working on the subject of patronalism in post-communist countries.

He was a member of the Hungarian Parliament (1990-2010). As a Minister of Education (1996-1998; 2002-2006) he initiated and carried out reforms in public and higher education.

Julia Vasarhelyi

Júlia Vásárhelyi is a journalist.