Since Raphael Lemkin coined the term genocide after the destruction of the European Jewry during World War II, the United Nations signed the Genocide Convention in 1948. Though the Convention aimed at preventing genocide in the future, large-scale mass murder returned on all continents, in Cambodia and Rwanda as some of the most notorious cases.
As demonstrated in this guidebook, the genocidal processes are complex and deeply rooted in society. International courts and tribunals play an important role in bringing suspected perpetrators to justice. To deal effectively with learning about the Holocaust and other genocides in a classroom situation, reliable knowledge about the courses of history is needed.
This unique guidebook offers concise information about five 20th-century cases of genocide, as well as the response of international justice. By relevant use of illustrations and references, and by using the most recent literature, this is an indispensable work offering new insight in the processes of genocide.
NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies