Heinz Fassmann, Wiebke Sievers: Introduction
Part I: Country Profiles
Chapter 1: Hein de Haas, 'Euro-Mediterranean Migration Futures: The Cases of Morocco, Egypt and Turkey'
Chapter 2: Ayman Zohry, 'Migration and Development in Egypt'
Chapter 3: Ahmet Icduygu, 'Turkish Emigration and its Implications for the Sending and Receiving Countries'
Part II: Arena of Conflicts and Political Regulation
Chapter 4: Andrew Geddes, The European Union's internationaL-migration relations towards Middle-Eastern and North-African countries
Chapter 5: Sigrid Faath und Hanspeter Mattes, 'Political Conflicts and Migration in the MENA States'
Chapter 6: Franz Nuscheler, 'The Uncertainties involved in Calculating Migration'
Part III: Prognosis, Scenarios and Forecasts
Chapter 7: Ralf E. Ulrich, 'Demographic Developments in the MENA-Region'
Chapter 8: Heinz Fassmann, 'Egypt, Morocco, and Turkey: Estimating Migration Potentials'
Chapter 9: Michael Bommes, Simon Fellmer, Friederike Zigmann, 'Migration Scenarios: Turkey, Egypt and Morocco'