List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Boxes
List of Abbreviations
List of Contributors
Introduction: Political Economy and Public Finances
István Benczes
I. Cross-Country Analysis of Public Finances in Central and Eastern Europe
1. Economic Freedom and Public Debt in Central and Eastern Europe
Oliver Treidler
2. Political Business Cycles: Theory and Empirical Findings for the CEE Region
András Olivér Németh
3. The Strategic Use of Public Debt in Central and Eastern Europe
Vera Takács and István Benczes
4. Varieties of Capitalism and Public Finances in Central and Eastern Europe
Zsolt Szabó
II. Case Studies in the Public Finances of Central and Eastern Europe
5. Passive Macroeconomic Populism in the Baltics
Gábor Kutasi
6. Values, Norms, and Beliefs: The Case of Poland
Judit Kozenkow
7. Critical Junctures and Unintended Consequences: The Case of Hungary
István Benczes
8. Structural Reforms in a Low-Trust Environment: The Case of Slovakia
Dóra Gyorffy
9. Europeanization with a Detour: The Case of Croatia
Fruzsina Sigér