A Contemporary History of Exclusion

György Majtényi, Balázs Majtényi
A Contemporary History of Exclusion
The Roma Issue in Hungary from 1945 to 2015
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Acknowledgments Introduction Contexts of Gypsy/Roma identity and history On the sources of Gypsy/Roma history Who (what) is (was) Hungarian or Gypsy/Roma? “Comrades, If You Have a Heart…” The History of the Gypsy Issue, 1945–1961 The construction and spread of the state socialist system Policy and Gypsies Modernization and Gypsy communities Disciplinary state The impossibility of self-organization Minority issue Discourses on social policy and equality “Life Goes On…” The Hungarian Party-State and Assimilation Social policy and the Gypsies: Wage work - Housing - Social system - Education Scientific approaches Gypsy images The transformation of discourse Disciplinary power, disciplinary society: Police and agents - Health supervisors The national minority issue National movement The “ethnic interpretation” of history Roma Policy after the Regime Change Minority issue Prospects for multiculturalism Minority (self-)government? Divide at impera — The opportunities and impossibilities of self-organization Civic movement National minority culture — national culture Questions of equal treatment and equal opportunity: Anti-discrimination - Equal opportunity Roma programs: Education - Employment Social policy and the Roma: Aid - Segregation Disciplinary society The transformation of discourses Research methods Panopticon: Roma Policy, 2010–2015 The Hungarian National Cooperation System The anti-egalitarian character of the system Changing minority legislation New social policy? Violence The shift Summary: Decades of Exclusion Bibliography List of Photographs Index

György Majtényi, Balázs Majtényi

A Contemporary History of Exclusion

The Roma Issue in Hungary from 1945 to 2015

The volume presents the changing situation of the Roma in the second half of the 20th century and examines the politics of the Hungarian state regarding minorities by analyzing legal regulations, policy documents, archival sources and sociological surveys. In the first phase analyzed (1945-61), the authors show the efforts of forced assimilation by the communist state. The second phase (1961-89) began with the party resolution denying nationality status to the Roma. Gypsy culture was equivalent with culture of poverty that must be eliminated. Forced assimilation through labor activities continued. The Roma adapted to new conditions and yet kept their distinct identity. From the 1970s, Roma intellectuals began an emancipatory movement, and its legacy is felt until this day. Although the third phase (1989-2010) brought about freedoms and rights for the Roma, with large sums spent on various Roma-related programs, the situation on the ground nevertheless did not improve. Segregation and marginalization continues, and it is rampant. The authors powerfully conclude: while Roma became part of the political community, they are still not part of the national one. Subjects: Romanies—Hungary. Romanies—Hungary—Social conditions. Marginality, Social—Hungary. Romanies—Legal status, laws, etc.—Hungary. Minorities—Government policy—Hungary. Hungary—Ethnic relations. Hungary—Social policy.
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György Majtényi

György Majtényi is a historian and professor at Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences. His research interests include history of the dominant elite in Hungary during state socialism and Roma social history. 

Balázs Majtényi

Balázs Majtényi is Researcher, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies, and Associate Professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Social Sciences.