Nationalism and the Economy

Thomas Fetzer, Stefan Berger (eds)
Nationalism and the Economy
Explorations into a Neglected Relationship
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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Stefan Berger and Thomas Fetzer

PART I: Surveys
Historians, Nationalism Studies, and the Economy
Stefan Berger
Nationalism in Political Economy Scholarship
Thomas Fetzer

PART II: Case Studies
Visions of Europe: European Integration and its Origins in Nineteenth Century Economic Thinking about Nation-Building
Harold James
Theoretical and Historical Reflections on Economic Nationalism in Germany and the United States in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Andreas Etges
Land Regimes in Nation-Building Processes and Nation-States: The Case of Israel in Comparative Perspective
Jacob Metzer
Disparities and Economic Nationhood in Yugoslavia
Žarko Lazarević
Pro-Urban Welfare in an Agricultural Country? Economic Nationalism and Welfare Regime Problems of Fit: Lessons from Interwar Romania
Sergiu Delcea
Nationalizing Consumption: Products, Brands, and Nations
Oliver Kühschelm
Nation Branding and Nationalism
Mads Mordhorst
National Interests and Foreign Direct Investment in East-Central Europe after 1989
Vera Šćepanović
Economic Nationhood and International Migration: The Case of China
Pál Nyíri

PART III: Beyond the Nation?
Embedding the Social Question into International Order: Economic Thought and the Origins of Neoliberalism in the 1930s
Hagen Schulz-Forberg
Economic Europeanness
Thomas Fetzer

List of Contributors

Thomas Fetzer, Stefan Berger (eds)

Nationalism and the Economy

Explorations into a Neglected Relationship

This book is the first attempt to bridge the current divide between studies addressing "economic nationalism" as a deliberate ideology and movement of economic 'nation-building', and the literature concerned with more diffuse expressions of economic "nationness"from national economic symbols and memories, to the "banal" world of product communication. The editors seeks to highlight the importance of economic issues for the study of nations and nationalism, and its findings point to the need to give economic phenomena a more prominent place in the field of nationalism studies. The authors of the essays come from disciplines as diverse as economic and cultural history, political science, business studies, as well as sociology and anthropology. Their chapters address the nationalism-economy nexus in a variety of realms, including trade, foreign investment, and national control over resources, as well as consumption, migration, and welfare state policies. Some of the case studies have a historical focus on nation-building in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, while others are concerned with contemporary developments. Several contributions provide in-depth analyses of single cases while others employ a comparative method. The geographical focus of the contributions vary widely, although, on balance, the majority of our authors deal with European countries.

Thomas Fetzer

Thomas Fetzer is Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations, Central European University, Budapest.

Stefan Berger

Stefan Berger is professor of social history at Ruhr University Bochum and the director of the Institute for Social Movements, RUB.