CEU Press

Chapter 1. Rival Visions of Alternative Modernity: An Introduction
Chapter 2. An Evolving Vision of an Alternative Modernity: Soviet Communism
Chapter 3. The Quest for an Alternative Modernity: Fascism and Nazism, Part I
Chapter 4. The Quest for an Alternative Modernity: Fascism and Nazism, Part II
Chapter 5. The Quest for Freedom and Solidarity: Anarchism in Spain
Chapter 6. Epilogue. In Defense of Liberal Democracy—and a Warning
Further Reading
About the Author
Name index
Subject index
Sabrina P. Ramet is a Professor of Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. She is also a member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and a Research Associate of the Science and Research Center of the Republic of Slovenia, Koper. She is the author of 13 scholarly books.