Enterprise Exit Processes in Transition Economies

Leszek Balcerowicz, Cheryl W. Gray, Iraj Hoshi (eds)
Enterprise Exit Processes in Transition Economies
Downsizing, Workouts, and Liquidation
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Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Bankruptcy, reorganization and liquidation in mature market economies Part 3: Macroeconomic shocks and policy responses during transition Part 4: Downsizing as an exit mechanism Part 5: Bankruptcy and owner-led liquidation in the Czech Republic Part 6: Hungary's bankruptcy experience 1992-93 Part 7: Classical exit processes in Poland Part 8: Poland's bank-led conciliation Part 9: Why does exit matter

Enterprise Exit Processes in Transition Economies

Downsizing, Workouts, and Liquidation

The rebirth of competition and the extensive "exit" that has resulted are among the most important developments in Central Europe since the demise of Communism. This text examines why, how, and to what extent enterprises have reduced their size or left the market altogether during the first years of the transition from socialism to capitalism in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.
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Leszek Balcerowicz

Leszek Balcerowicz is Professor at Warsaw School of Economics. He was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in Poland.

Iraj Hoshi

Iraj Hoshi is Principal Lecturer in Economics at Staffordshire University, Stroke-on-Trent, UK.