Anti-fascism in European History

Sabrina P. Ramet (ed.)
Anti-fascism in European History
From the 1920s to Today
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15.2 x 22.9 cm
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Introduction: What is Anti-Fascism? Its Values, its Strengths, its Diversities
Jože Pirjevec, Egon Pelikan, and Sabrina P. Ramet

PART I. Anti-Fascism in Fascist Italiy's Borderlands
Chapter 1. Hate Speech
Jože Pirjevec 

Chapter 2. Comparison of Fascist and national defense discourse
Vesna Mikolič

Chapter 3. Fascism, Anti-fascism, and Ethnic Engineering in the Former Austrian Littoral
Borut Klabjan

Chapter 4. Persevering on the Ramparts of the Nation: The Anti-fascism of Educated Women, Feminists, and Activists in the Littoral in the 1920s
Marta Verginella 

Chapter 5. The anti-fascism of the Slovenian and Croatian Clergy in the Julian March during the Interwar Period – A View from the Vatican
Egon Pelikan 

PART II. The Diversity of Anti-Fascism
Chapter 6. The Anti-fascism of Hans & Sophie Scholl: Intellectual Sources of the White Rose
Sabrina P. Ramet and Christine M. Hassenstab

Chapter 7. The Committee against Neofascism and Racial Prejudices: Nordic Anti-Fascist Organizing and International Solidarity in the 1960s
Pontus Järvstad

Chapter 8. Anti-fascism in the land of holy water blessed by the swastika: The case of the Slovak State
Marek Syrný and Anton Hruboň 

Chapter 9. Mussolini, Vilfan and the Slovenian minority
Gianfranco Cresciani 

Chapter 10. From the Bauhaus to Buchenwald and to Berlin: Anti-fascism and Career in the Life of Franz Ehrlich
Klaus Tragbar

PART III. Anti-Fascism as a Legitimating Ideology
Chapter 11. Passing the Torch: The Challenges of Anti-fascist Memory Transmission through Youth Ritual and Commemoration in the GDR
Catherine J. Plum

Chapter 12. Memory Practices in Slovenia through the Lens of Public Opinion
Vida Rožac Darovec

Chapter 13. A Note about the Collective Memory of Anti-Fascism since World War Two and its Revision
Božo Repe 

Chapter 14. A Dire Warning to All Ethnic Minorities in Europe? Fascist Repression in South Tyrol and the Formation of Swedish-Speaking Anti-fascism in Finland
Kasper Braskén 

Chapter 15. Maritime Communists Against Fascism and in Defense of the USSR: Transnational Anti-fascism in a Danish Perspective, 1933-1938
Jesper Jørgensen 

Afterword: “Are you a communist? No, I am an anti-fascist”
Nigel Copsey

About the authors
For further reading
Index of Names

Sabrina P. Ramet (ed.)

Anti-fascism in European History

From the 1920s to Today

The increasing radicalization of political life in most countries in Europe lends special relevance to studies of the antifascist legacies on the continent. This insightful collection of essays is an in-depth review of antifascism in Slovenia, setting it in the context of related movements elsewhere in Europe. The period treated by the 19 essays comprises the interwar period, World War Two, and the post-war decades. The comparative and transnational perspectives advanced by the volume change our understanding of antifascism.

The essays deal with the right-wing but also left-wing instrumentalization of antifascism, with a particular focus on the communist and post-communist periods. The authors point out that antifascism comes in various strains, whether inspired by liberalism, social democracy, communism, monarchism, anarchism, or even Christian conservatism. The contributors bring to light several overlooked antifascist actors, campaigns, and organisations, mostly in Slovenia and the Adriatic area.


Sabrina P. Ramet

Sabrina P. Ramet is a Professor of Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. She is also a member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and a Research Associate of the Science and Research Center of the Republic of Slovenia, Koper. She is the author of 13 scholarly books.