From Liberal Values to Democratic Transition

Ronald Dworkin (ed.)
From Liberal Values to Democratic Transition
Essays in Honor of Janos Kis
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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List of Tables and Figures; Introduction; Part I. Liberal Values Stephen Holmes: Judicial Independence as Ambiguous Reality and Insidious Illusion; Frances M. Kamm: Why a Rational Agent Need Not Intend the Means to His End; Mária Ludassy: Language and order. De Bonald's Theory of Language as a Paradigm of Traditionalist Political Philosophy?; Steven Lukes: Invasion of the Market; György Márkus: The Hope to Be Free: Freedom as Fact, Postulate and Regulative Idea in Kant; András Sajó: Concepts of Neutrality and the State; Gáspár Miklós Tamás: On Depth and Greatness; Part II. Democratic Transition Andrew Arato: The Occupation of Iraq and the Difficult Transition from Dictatorship; Timothy Garton Ash: "1989" - For János Kis; Béla Greskovits: Beyond Transition: The Variety of Post-Socialist Development; Will Kymlicka: Nationalism, Transnationalism and Postnationalism; Aleksander Smolar: In Search for Hope and Paradigm; Bibliography of János Kis; Index

Ronald Dworkin (ed.)

From Liberal Values to Democratic Transition

Essays in Honor of Janos Kis

The book contains twelve essays by Stephen Holmes, Frances M. Kamm, Mária Ludassy, Steven Lukes, Gyorgy Markus, András Sajó, Gáspár Miklós Tamás, Andrew Arato, Timothy Garton Ash, Béla Greskovits, Will Kymlicka, and Aleksander Smolar. The studies explore a wide scope of subjects that belong to disciplines ranging from moral philosophy, through theory of human rights, democratic transition, constitutionalism, to political economy. The common denominator of the studies collected is their reference to the scholarly output of János Kis, in honor of his sixtieth birthday. János Kis is a distinguished political philosopher who, after many years spent as a dissident under the Communist regime, emerged as an important political figure in Hungary's transition to democracy. Currently he is University Professor of Philosophy at Central European University, Budapest.

Ronald Dworkin

Ronald Dworkin was emeritus hoogleraar rechtsgeleerdheid en filosofie aan de Universiteit van New York. Hij gaf les aan Yale en de Universiteit van Oxford. In 2007 ontving hij de Ludvig Holberg International Memorial Prize voor zijn onderzoek. Hij overleed in februari 2013. Religie zonder God werd postuum uitgebracht. Dworkin is een van de grootste rechtsfilosofen en denkers over de democratische rechtsstaat uit de recente geschiedenis.