Conservative Ideology in the Making

Ivan Zoltan Denes
Conservative Ideology in the Making
Judit Pokoly
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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Table of Contents
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Foreword Introduction Modernity and Identity Liberalisms and Conservatisms Images of the Enemy Conservatism Its Definition and Types Hungarian Conservatives: Context and Dilemmas Liberal Challenge: Nation-Building through Reforms Conservative Answer: Law, Order, and Stability What to Preserve, What to Give Up, and What to Modernize? (1839–1842) The Figure of the Founding Father The Overture to Cautious Progress: The Memorandum The First Liberal–Conservative Press Debate Order-Based Modernity Separation vs. Unification (1842–1843) Conservative Reform The Magyar Nation and the Non-Magyar Nationalities Us and Them: Aristocracy vs. Democracy Law and Order: Which Kind? (1843–1844) What is to be Done with the Counties? Conservative Arguments against the Juries The Dietal Weight of the Cities Failure of the Diet: Their Interpretations Journalists’ Offensive: Issues and Arguments (1845–1847) Western Models and Hungarian Conditions Constitutionalism Toleration: Its Guarantees Aristocracy, Nation, and Empire Two Liberal Interpretations Programs (1846–1847) The Program of the Conservatives The Opposition Program The Differences Conservative Politics in Defense (1847–1848) The Immediate Precedent Conservative Positions and Arguments The Defeat of the Conservatives Myth in the Making The Conservatives in 1848/49 In Opposition “Outcasts” of the Ausgleich The Process of Mythmaking Epilogue Symbolic Link between Three Types of Conservatives (1927) Conservative Master Narrative (1920, 1933) Metamorphoses Narrationis (1942, 1947) The Constant Core (1913–1955) The Ethnicist Re-Reading of the Master Narrative (1939) Competing Visions of National History Primary Sources and Literature Index

Ivan Zoltan Denes

Conservative Ideology in the Making

The fifty years or so preceding the watershed of 1848–49 witnessed the emergence of liberal nationalism in Hungary, along with a transmutation of conservatism which appeared then as a party and an ideological system in the political arena. The specific features of the conservatism, combining the protection of the status quo with some reform measures, its strategic vision, conceptual system, argumentation, assessment criteria and values require an in depth exploration and analysis. Different conservative groups were in the background or in opposition from 1848 to 1918, while in the period between the two World Wars, they constituted the overwhelming majority of ruling parties. During the one-party system, from 1949 to 1989, the liberals and conservatives—like all other political groups—were illegal, a status from which they could later emerge upon the change of the political system. The inheritance of the autocratic system frozen up and undigested by the one-party state was thawed after the peaceful regime change, the constitutional revolution and its discrete components began to be reactivated, including the enemy images of earlier discourses. "Liberal" and "conservative" had become state-party stigmas in line with fascist, reactionary, rightist, and bourgeois. In reaction to that, at first conservative then liberal, intellectual fashions and renascences unfolded in the 1980s. The attempts by liberal and conservative advocates to find predecessors did not favor an objective approach.The first step toward objectivity is establishing distance from the different kinds of enemy images and their political idioms. This is a pressing need because, although several pioneering works have appeared on different variants of the Hungarian liberalisms and conservatisms, there are no serious unbiased syntheses. This work is urgent because the political poles of the constitutional revolution and the ensuing period have up till now been described in terms of different conspiracy theories.

Ivan Zoltan Denes

Iván Zoltán Dénes is historian of ideas, has published seven books (including four monographs), several scholarly articles, edited and contributed in nine books, was awarded by the British Academy, the Fulbright Association, the International Exchange of Scholars, the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study scholarships for studying. He is founder and president of the Istvan Bibo Center for Advanced Studies, Budapest, and an elected member of the Academia Europaea, London.