Friars, Nobles and Burghers – Sermons, Images and Prints

László Kontler, Jaroslav Miller (eds)
Friars, Nobles and Burghers – Sermons, Images and Prints
Studies of Culture and Society in Early-Modern Europe - In Memoriam István György Tóth
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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László Kontler Farewell to István György Tóth Jaroslav Miller and László Kontler Foreword I. Approaches and Historiographical Issues Heinz Schilling The Religious Borderlines of the Confessionalization and Secularisation of European Culture and Societies: Results and Perspectives of My Cooperation with István György Tóth Charles Kecskeméti The Value of Foreign Sources for the Understanding of National History Dubravko Lovrenovic Hungary and Bosnia 1387–1463: Between Stereotypes and New Interpretations II. Confessional and Religious Life II.1. Confessional Identities Maria Craciun Eucharistic Iconography and the Confessional Identity of the Saxon Community in Early Modern Transylvania Márta Fata “Wider den grausamen Erbfeind deß Christlichen Nahmens”: Lutheran Military Chaplains from Württemberg in the Hungarian Wars against the Ottoman Empire in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Eva Kowalská The Ambivalence of Exile: Hungarian Exiles in Germany in the Seventeenth Century Georg B. Michels The Counter-Reformation and the 1672 Kuruc Revolt II.2. Symbol and Representation Radmila Pavlícková A Funeral and a Political Pamphlet: The Funeral Sermon for Archbishop Johann Schweikard of Mainz in 1626 Martin Elbel The Making of a Perfect Friar: Habit and Reform in the Franciscan Tradition II.3. Strife and Accommodation Antonín Kalous The Politics of Church Unification: Efforts to Reunify the Utraquists and Rome in the 1520s Daniel Tollet Some Reflections on Uniatism in the Confederation of Poland and Lithuania in the Eighteenth Century II.4. Religion, Empire and Ideology Ronnie Po-chia Hsia The Political Theologies of Empires: Jesuit Missionaries between Counter-Reformation Europe and the Chinese Empire Alfred J. Rieber Conversion as an Instrument of Imperial Rule: The Case of the Russian Empire III. Society and Culture III.1. Order, Hierarchy and Cultural Capital Joachim Bahlcke The “Bishops of the Hungarian Crown”: A Case Study in the Ecclesiastical, Social and Constitutional History of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in South-Eastern Europe Emese Bálint Levels of Group Loyalty at the Turn of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Kolozsvár in the Rákóczi War of Independence Anna Maria Rao Comparing the Enlightenment: Men of Letters and the Intellectual Milieu in Eighteenth-Century Naples III.2. Disorder, Discipline and Denunciation Cornel Zwierlein Burning Germany: Cities on Fire, Fire Fighting and Fire Insurance in Early Modern Germany Kateryna Dysa Orthodox Demonology and the Perception of Witchcraft in Early Modern Ukraine Blanka Szeghyová Punishment in Sixteenth Century Hungarian Towns III.3. Word and Print, Education and Literacy Zoran Velagic Reading Aloud: Between Oral and Literate Communication Orlin Sabev (Orhan Salih) A Virgin Deserving Paradise or a Whore Deserving Poison: Manuscript Tradition and Printed Books in Ottoman Turkish Society Victor Karady Education and Denominations in Transdanubia (1910) Register of Geographic Names István György Tóth’s Bibliography List of Contributors

László Kontler, Jaroslav Miller (eds)

Friars, Nobles and Burghers – Sermons, Images and Prints

Studies of Culture and Society in Early-Modern Europe - In Memoriam István György Tóth

The essays in this volume reflect the broader interpretation of culture as a system of shared meanings, values, attitudes and symbolic forms in any sphere of human life. Although thematically diverse, all these studies adhere to the concept of what is sometimes termed the new cultural history or socio-cultural history. The work opens with a cluster of methodological and historiographical reflections. Topics covered by the thematic sections include confessional and religious life in early modern Europe, symbolism and representation, strife and accommodation among different denominations compelled to live in a common space, order and hierarchy, cracks in the machinery of authority and the threat of disintegration as well as the history of alphabetization, literacy and reading and writing practices. This book pays tribute to István György Tóth (1956–2005), Head of the Department of Early-Modern History at the Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Professor of History at Central European University (both in Budapest), until his premature death in 2005. 

László Kontler

László Kontler is Professor of History at the Central European University.

Jaroslav Miller

Jaroslav Miller is Associate Professor of History at Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.