Open Access Journals and Conference Proceedings

AUP offers journal authors many different options for Open Access publishing. All our journals are published on our state-of-the-art platform and enjoy the benefits of our global discoverability and indexing partners. We pride ourselves on how we support authors to gain as wide a readership as possible.

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What are the Open Access journal options?

Amsterdam University Press publishes many fully Diamond OA journals (some via Subscribe to Open or S2O) and subscription journals. Our subscription journals offer various options, including Gold OA, Green OA and Bronze (delayed) OA.

What are article processing charges at AUP?

Article processing charges, otherwise known as chapter processing charges, are a requirement for Gold and Hybrid Open Access publications. Our current article processing charges can be found on our FAQ page.

Learn more about publishing open access journals, along with our existing list, here.

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Open Access Conference Proceedings

Why publish a Conference Proceedings?

AUP’s Conference proceedings programme allows researchers to publish papers given at conferences and share them internationally, increasing readership of their ongoing research.

How does it work?

  • Research papers presented at a conference undergo a high-quality peer review and plagiarism checks.
  • AUP registers each proceeding with an ISBN and each paper with a DOI to maximise the citations
  • The resulting research papers are published as a collection (proceedings) in Open Access on AUP’s Open Access platform
  • All the published papers enjoy the benefits of global discoverability and enhanced visibility with AUP’s international academic network

Where can you find the published proceedings?

AUP ensures a professional and permanent hosting of your proceedings on as well as submission to major indexes, including: Web of Science: Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CrossRef, DOAB, and ProQuest ExLibris Primo. These indexing sites allow libraries and researchers to easily find your work. View AUP’s recent Conference Proceedings here.

How much does it cost?

AUP's full Conference Proceeding service includes a one-time set-up fee of €895, along with a per-paper fee based on the number of accepted submissions.

For detailed fee information, please contact Vanessa de Bueger at