Gorbachev and BushSvetlana Savranskaya, Thomas S. Blanton (eds)Gorbachev and BushSvetlana Savranskaya, Thomas S. Blanton (eds)
Gorbachev and ReaganSvetlana Savranskaya, Thomas S. Blanton (eds)Gorbachev and ReaganSvetlana Savranskaya, Thomas S. Blanton (eds)
The Last Superpower SummitsSvetlana Savranskaya, Thomas S. Blanton (eds)The Last Superpower SummitsSvetlana Savranskaya, Thomas S. Blanton (eds)
Masterpieces of HistorySvetlana Savranskaya, Thomas S. Blanton, Vladislav Zubok (eds)Masterpieces of HistorySvetlana Savranskaya, Thomas S. Blanton, Vladislav Zubok (eds)
From Solidarity to Martial LawMalcolm Byrne, Andrzej Paczkowski (eds)From Solidarity to Martial LawMalcolm Byrne, Andrzej Paczkowski (eds)
The Prague Spring, 1968Jaromir Navratíl, Antonín Bencík (eds)The Prague Spring, 1968Jaromir Navratíl, Antonín Bencík (eds)
A Cardboard Castle?Malcolm Byrne, Vojtech Mastny (eds)A Cardboard Castle?Malcolm Byrne, Vojtech Mastny (eds)
The 1956 Hungarian RevolutionMalcolm Byrne, Csaba Békés, János M. Rainer (eds)The 1956 Hungarian RevolutionMalcolm Byrne, Csaba Békés, János M. Rainer (eds)
Uprising in East Germany, 1953Christian F. Ostermann (ed.)Uprising in East Germany, 1953Christian F. Ostermann (ed.)