Preface by Árpád Göncz
Foreword by Charles Gati
Introductory Essay:
Forty Years On by Timothy Garton Ash
Editors’ Introduction and Acknowledgements
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chronology of Events
Document No. 1: Notes of Meeting between CPSU CC Presidium and HWP Political Committee Delegation in Moscow, June 13 and 16, 1953
Document No. 2: “Resolution of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Worker’s Party concerning the Mistakes Committed in the Policy and Practice of the Party, and the Tasks Necessary to Correct These Mistakes,” June 28, 1953
Document No. 3: NSC 174, “United States Policy toward the Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe,” December 11, 1953
Document No. 4: Notes of Discussion between the CPSU CC Presidium and a HWP Leadership Delegation in Moscow, May 5, 1954
Document No. 5: Notes of Discussions between the CPSU CC Presidium and a HWP Leadership Delegation in Moscow, January 12, 1955
Document No. 6: Dispatch 1086, “Balloons to Hungary,” March 24, 1955
Document No. 7: National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) 12-56, “Probable Developments in the European Satellites,” January 10, 1956
Document No. 8: Study Prepared for U.S. Army Intelligence, “Hungary: Resistance Activities and Potentials,” January 1956
Document No. 9: Soviet Foreign Ministry Notes on Current Issues in Soviet Global Policy, January 4, 1956
Document No. 10: British Foreign Office Minutes concerning Developments in Eastern Europe, June 5, 1956
Document No. 11: Memorandum from Kliment Voroshilov to the CPSU CC Presidium regarding His Meeting with Mátyás Rákosi, June 26, 1956
Document No. 12: NSC 5608, “U.S. Policy toward the Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe” (Excerpts), July 6, 1956
Document No. 13: Minutes of 290th NSC Meeting, July 12, 1956
Document No. 14: Nikita Khrushchev’s Letter to Mátyás Rákosi and other Socialist Leaders, July 13, 1956
Document No. 15: Report from Anastas Mikoyan on the Situation in the Hungarian Workers’ Party, July 14, 1956
Document No. 16: Memorandum from J.G. Ward to the British Foreign Office, “British Policy towards the Satellites,” July 17, 1956
Document No. 17: National Security Council Report NSC 5608/1, “U.S. Policy toward the Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe,” July 18, 1956
Document No. 18: Letter from Erno Gero to Josip Broz Tito, July 19, 1956
Document No. 19: Report from Ambassador Yurii Andropov on Deteriorating Conditions in Hungary, August 29, 1956
Document No. 20: North Atlantic Council Document C-M(56)110, “The Thaw in Eastern Europe,” September 24, 1956
Document No. 21: Record of Conversation between Yurii Andropov and Erno Gero, October 12, 1956
Document No. 22: Memorandum from the British Foreign Office to the British NATO Delegation, October 16, 1956
Document No. 23: Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium, October 20, 1956
Document No. 24: The “Sixteen Points” Prepared by Hungarian Students, October 22–23, 1956
Document No. 25: Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium, October 23, 1956
Document No. 26: Situation Report from Anastas Mikoyan and Mikhail Suslov in Budapest to the CPSU CC Presidium, October 24, 1956
Document No. 27: Jan Svoboda’s Notes on the CPSU CC Presidium Meeting with Satellite Leaders, October 24, 1956
Document No. 28: Memorandum of Conversation between John Foster Dulles and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Henry Cabot Lodge, October 24, 1956
Document No. 29: Minutes of Czechoslovak (CPCz) Politburo Meeting, October 24, 1956
Document No. 30: Notes on the 38th Meeting of the Special Committee on Soviet and Related Problems, Washington, October 25, 1956
Document No. 31: Memorandum from Thomas Brimelow to the British Foreign Office News Department, October 25, 1956
Document No. 32: Situation Report from Anastas Mikoyan to CPSU CC Presidium, October 26, 1956
Document No. 33: Report from Anastas ....