Francophonie en Orient
Francophonie en Orient
Aux croisements France-Asie (1840-1940)
€ 89,00 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
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DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Plaidoyer pour une francophonie de cohabitation Chapitre I: La France aux portes de Cathay Chapitre II: L'affirmation de la présence française en Asie Chapitre III: L'essaimage français : le cas de la Chine Chapitre IV: Naissance d'une littérature d'expression française Chapitre V: Aux croisements France-Asie Conclusion générale : Vers une francophonie de cohabitation Bibliographie

Recensies en Artikelen

"[An] informative study on the influence of French cultural and literature in China." - Marie-Paule Ha, The University of Hong Kong, H-France Review Volume 18 (2018) "This book, written in French, traces in 5 fascinating chapters and from different angles the links between France and Asia over a one-century period (from 1840 to 1940). This book is utterly gripping. It is engaging, whether you are a specialist or not, it shows erudition, finesse and originality. I totally loved reading it and learnt an amazing lot." - Danièle Moore, Simon Fraser University
Winner of the 2022 "Prix du meilleur livre" from the Canadian Association for 19th Century Francophone Studies (ACEF 19e siècle).

Mathilde Kang

Francophonie en Orient

Aux croisements France-Asie (1840-1940)

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
This book offers a pioneering study of Asian cultures that officially escaped from French colonisation but nonetheless were steeped in French civilisation in the colonial era and had heavily French-influenced, largely francophone literatures. It raises a number of provocative questions, including whether colonisation is the ultimate requirement for a culture's being defined as francophone, or how to think about francophone literatures that emerge from Asian nations that were historically free from French domination. The ultimate result is a redefining of the Asian francophone heritage according to new, transnational paradigms.

Mathilde Kang

Mathilde Kang was born in Shanghai, China. She has received her education in Québec in Canada and has taught French and Francophone Studies at various universities in North-America and elsewhere. The multicultural course of her life and her strictly French language education have led her to an interest in studying cultures made up of several mixed influences. Her main interest is the spreading of French culture outside Europe. Née à Shanghai et scolarisée au Québec, Mathilde Kang a jusque récemment été Maître de conférences à l'Université de Technologie Sydney. De parcours multi-culturel, assorti d'une formation purement francophone, elle se montre prédisposée aux études impliquant des cultures d'horizons divers et plus particulièrement la migration de la culture française vers d'autres continents.