CEU Press

About the CEU Privatization Project
1. Introduction
2. Economic environment
3. Present forms of ownership
Legal framework of economic activity
Structure of ownership
4. The privatization process
Organizational structure of state regulation of privatization
Overview of privatization programs
5. Corporatization
1. Introduction
2. Economic environment
3. Present forms of ownership
Legal framework of economic activity
Structure of ownership
4. Overview of the privatization process
Organizational structure of state regulation of privatization
Overview of privatization programs
5. Corporatization and commercialization
1. Introduction
2. Economic environment
3. Present forms of ownership
Legal framework of economic activity
Structure of ownership
4. The privatization process
Organizational structure of state regulation of privatization
Overview of privatization programs
5. Corporatization
1. Introduction
2. Economic environment
3. Present forms of ownership
Legal framework of economic activity
Structure of ownership
4. The privatization process
Organizational structure of state regulation of privatization
Overview of privatization programs
5. Corporatization
1. Introduction
2. Economic environment
3. Present forms of ownership
Legal framework of economic activity
Structure of ownership
4. The privatization process
Organizational structure of state regulation of privatization
Overview of privatization programs
5. Corporatization
Andrzej Rapaczynski is Daniel G. Ross Professor of Law; Joseph Solomon Professor of Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning at the Columbia Law School.