Call for papers Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies

The editorial staff invites articles about gender issues from different disciplines and accepts articles in Dutch and English. As well as publishing articles, the journal includes essays, columns (short topical and polemical articles), interviews, reviews, summaries of dissertations and conference reports.
The Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies invites abstracts for articles for its 2020 Winter issue. As this is a general issue there is no subject limitation, provided that the article problematizes gender. The journal favors submissions that touch upon current debates in the Netherlands and/or Belgium or that include case studies that are relevant for Dutch and Flemish academic fields. Abstracts should be submitted in Dutch or English before 22 March 2020. Once your abstract has been assessed and judged suitable for this issue, you will receive an invitation to submit. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 12 April 2020. The deadline for submission of articles (of approximately 6000 words) is 20 July 2020. All submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind peer review process. In case of a high number of positively peer-reviewed contributions, the editorial board reserves the right to make a final selection of articles and to publish some contributions in a later issue.
Abstracts of approximately 500 words should state the problem or research question addressed in the proposed paper; outline the theoretical framework; state the main point or argument of the proposed paper; provide a rough indication of the methods used; and - where relevant - present a rough overview of literature used. Abstracts should be sent to
More information as well as instructions for authors can be found on: https://