Anja van den Broeck

Professor in the Department of Work and Organization Studies (WOS) in the Faculty of Economics and Business at KU Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven), Belgium, Anja Van den Broeck has a background in work psychology and has become an expert in work motivation. Her research objective is to examine how and under what circumstances individuals can thrive in the work context. A prolific researcher, she has published over 75 articles in leading journals and authored or co-authored 15 chapters in academic books of international scope. Many of her works are among the most highly cited in the field. Anja teaches on subjects such as management, motivation and job design. Outside her academic interests, she is committed to sharing her ideas with a wider audience and publishes in practice-oriented journals. She has developed two websites that can help managers motivate their employees, and frequently communicates the results of her research in HR journals, the LinkedIn network, podcasts, webinars, press and television.
