Socialism, Capitalism, Transformation
Socialism, Capitalism, Transformation
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15.5 x 22.9 cm
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Part 1: Problems with the definition of socialism in todays world On the ‘socialist market economy’ ‘Socialist calculation debate’ and reform discussions On the reformability of the Soviet-type economic systems Towards an analysis of ownership Political and economic regimes Part 2: Understanding post-communist transitions Economic transition in Central/ East Europe Various roads to a private market economy Macropolicies in transition to a market economy Common fallacies in the debate on economic transition Part 3: Polish economic reform 1981-88 Political economy of economic reform in Poland 1989-92 Transition to a market economy - Poland 1989-93 Conclusion

Leszek Balcerowicz

Socialism, Capitalism, Transformation

This volume gathers together essays on the theme of economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe, written by the former Polish Minister of Finance.  In it, the author summarizes the research on institutions, institutional change and human behaviour that he has undertaken since the late 1970s.  He addresses such issues as the socialist market economy, reformability of the Soviet-type economic system, democratization and market-orientated reform in Central and Eastern Europe, and the Polish model of economic reform. 

Leszek Balcerowicz

Leszek Balcerowicz is Professor at Warsaw School of Economics. He was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in Poland.