Isolated Islands in Medieval Nature, Culture and Mind
Isolated Islands in Medieval Nature, Culture and Mind
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15.5 x 22.9 cm
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List of Illustrations


Felicitas Schmieder: Paradise Islands in the East and West – Tradition and Meaning in Some Cartographical Places on the Medieval Rim of the World

Kristel Zilmer: The Powers and Purposes of an Insular Setting – on Some Motifs in Old-Norse Literature

Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jacobsen, Monastic "Islands" in Medieval Denmark: Insular Isolation in Ideal and Practice

Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen: Religious Athletes – on the Perception of the Body in Medieval Asceticism

Eldar Heide: Holy Islands and the Otherworld: Places beyond Water

Else Mundal: Hvítramannaland and Other Fictional Islands in the Sea

Margaret Elphinstone: The Unknown Island

Bernt Øyvind Thorvaldsen: Will the Son of Nine Sisters Rule the Sea-Kidney?

Gerhard Jaritz: The Quality of Islands in Middle High German Literature

Juhan Kreem: Seasonal Isolation in the Communication in Livonia

Torstein Jørgensen: Utstein Monastery: An Island on an Island – or not?

List of Contributors


Gerhard Jaritz, Torsten Jørgensen (eds)

Isolated Islands in Medieval Nature, Culture and Mind

The volume contains selected papers from an international workshop in 2005, at the Hungarian Academy in Rome. They aim at investigating the registers of fifteenth-century supplications to the Apostolic Penitentiary of the Holy See and to analyze the multiplicity of issues in which a context of the local needs of Western Christians and the central power of the Pope had been occurring.

The contributions make clear that local and individual factors and practice of Christian faith and religion must not be seen as separated from the global power of the Roman curia. The latter’s influence could become directly important for any individual in any local space, also … et usque ad ultimum terrae (Acts 1:8), in the utmost peripheries of the Christian world. The assistance by the Apostolic Penitentiary was indispensable in a large variety of cases. The occupation with such cases happened in the local and regional space as well as in the globalized centre of the Holy See.


Torsten Jørgensen

Torstein Jørgensen is professor at the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Bergen and at the School of Mission and Theology, Stavanger.