Media, Nationalism and European Identities
Media, Nationalism and European Identities
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Six Communicative Deficits in the European Union, Karol Jakubowicz, Miklós Sükösd Section 1: The European Public Sphere and European Integration Chapter 1: The Transnationalization/Europeanization of Public Sphere/s, Slavko Splichal Chapter 2: What is Europe? Geographies of Journalism, Inka Salovaara-Moring Chapter 3: Media Representations of EU Matters in National Media Systems: The Hungarian Case, István Hegedûs Chapter 4: Pan-European Media: Attempts and Limitations, Peter J. Varga Chapter 5: Aiding Integration and Identity: The Unfulfilled Roles and Functions of the Romani Media in Eastern Europ, Peter Gross, Katerina Spasovska Section 2: National and Transnational Identities Chapter 6: The Media and Nationalism, East and West: A Revision of Existing Debates, Sabina Mihelj Chapter 7: The Politics of Belonging: Identity Anxiety in the European Union, Farrel Corcoran Chapter 8: European Media and the Culture of Europeanness, Dominic Boyer, Miklós Sükösd Chapter 9: Pan-European, National, Regional and Minority Identities in the Eurovision Song Contest, Gonzalo Torres Section 3: European Media Policy: Boon or Barrier to European Integration? Chapter 10: European Melting Pots? European Integration and EU Audiovisual Policy at a Crossroads, Karol Jakubowicz Chapter 11: Which Frontiers for EU Media Policy: An Assessment in the Context of the European Project, Monica Arino Chapter 12: The Clash of Resonance: Media Pluralism in European Regulatory Policies, Beata Klimkiewicz Chapter 13: Digital Television and the Search for Content, Petros Iosifidis List of Contributors Index

Karol Jakubowicz, Miklós Sükösd (eds)

Media, Nationalism and European Identities

Explores patterns of interaction between the mass media and identity formation in the context of Europeanization. On the one hand, the major contribution of the volume is a comprehensive framework that considers media impacts on four levels of identity: European, regional, national, and ethnic minority identities. On the other hand, authors offer cutting edge analysis of the structural transformation of European media institutions, and policies that shape the future of European media.
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Karol Jakubowicz

Karol Jakubowicz is Senior Adviser to the Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council of Poland.

Miklós Sükösd

Miklós Sükösd is Associate Professor at the Journalism and Media Studies Centre, University of Hong Kong.