Foreword by Lech Walesa
Preface and Acknowledgments
“The Polish Crisis: Internal and International Dimensions” by Andrzej Paczkowski and Malcolm Byrne
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chronology of Events
Document No. 1:
Protocol No. 13 of PUWP CC Politburo Meeting, July 18, 1980
Document No. 2:
Extract from Protocol No. 210 of the CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, August 25, 1980
Document No. 3:
Cardinal Wyszynski Sermon at Jasna Góra following the Outbreak of Strikes, with Reactions, August 26–28, 1980
Document No. 4:
Protocol of PUWP CC Politburo Meeting, August 27, 1980
Document No. 5:
CPSU CC Politburo Commission Order to Enhance Readiness of Military Units for Possible Use in Poland, August 28, 1980
Document No. 6:
The Szczecin Agreement, August 30, 1980
Document No. 7:
The Gdansk Agreement, August 31, 1980
Document No. 8:
President Carter Letter to Allies on Poland, September 1, 1980
Document No. 9:
CPSU CC Politburo Report on Topics for Discussion with the Polish Leadership, September 3, 1980
Document No. 10:
Special Coordination Committee, Summary of Conclusions, “Meeting on Poland,” with attachment, September 23, 1980
Document No. 11:
Transcript of Bulgarian (BCP CC) Politburo Meeting, October 21, 1980
Document No. 12:
Solidarity National Coordinating Commission Statement on Union Registration, October 24, 1980
Document No. 13:
Protocol of PUWP CC Secretariat Meeting, October 25, 1980
Document No. 14:
Transcript of Bulgarian (BCP CC) Politburo Meeting, October 25, 1980
Document No. 15:
Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, October 29, 1980
Document No. 16:
Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, October 31, 1980
Document No. 17:
Letter from Leonid Brezhnev to Erich Honecker, November 4, 1980
Document No. 18:
Letter from Erich Honecker to Leonid Brezhnev, November 26, 1980
Document No. 19:
Report of the Czechoslovak Army Chief of Staff to the Minister of National Defense, December 3, 1980
Document No. 20:
CIA Alert Memorandum, December 3, 1980
Document No. 21:
Message from Ryszard Kuklinski on Impending Warsaw Pact Invasion, December 4, 1980
Document No. 22:
Minutes of Warsaw Pact Leadership Meeting in Moscow, December 5, 1980
Document No. 23:
Minutes of U.S. Special Coordination Committee Meeting, December 7, 1980
Document No. 24:
CIA Situation Report, “Poland,” December 8, 1980
Document No. 25:
Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, December 11, 1980
Document No. 26:
Protocol of Meeting of Leading Aktiv Members of Ministry of Internal Affairs, January 5, 1981
Document No. 27:
CPSU CC Instructions to the Soviet Ambassador concerning Lech Walesa’s Visit to Italy, January 14, 1981
Document No. 28:
PUWP CC Report on Leonid Zamyatin Visit to Katowice, January 16, 1981
Document No. 29:
Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, January 22, 1981
Document No. 30:
Supplement No. 1 to PUWP CC Politburo Protocol No. 657 Analyzing the Intentions of Solidarity, January 26, 1981
Document No. 31:
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE 12.6–81), “Poland’s Prospects over the Next Six Months,” January 27, 1981
Document No. 32:
Solidarity National Coordinating Commission, “Statement on the Current Social and Political Situation,” circa February 1981
Document No. 33:
Supplement No. 2 to PUWP CC Politburo Protocol No. 69, February 6, 1981
Document No. 34:
Memorandum of Conversation between Erich Honecker and Fidel Castro, February 28, 1981
Document No. 35:
Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, March 12, 1981
Document No. 36:
Ministry of Internal Affairs Duty Report on Preparations for Martial Law, March 16, 1981
Document No. 37:
Protocol No. 82 from PUWP CC Politburo Meeting, March 25, 1981
Document No. 38:
Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, March 26, 1981
Document No. 39:
Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting, April 2, 1981
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