Key Concepts of Romanian History
Key Concepts of Romanian History
Alternative Approaches to Socio-Political Languages
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Preface to the English edition (Victor Neumann, Armin Heinen) Foreword (Victor Neumann, Armin Heinen) Is Rewriting Romanian History Useful? The Evolution of Socio-Political Concepts and Alternative Interpretations (Victor Neumann) On the Process of Writing the History of Romania: Methodological Issues (Armin Heinen) Some Reflections on Historical Semantics, Political Modernity and Romanian History (1780–1939) (Alexandre Escudier) The Concept of Patriotism in Romanian Culture (Klaus Bochmann) Romanian Liberalism (1821–1866) (Keith Hitchins) Democracy, Democratic, Democratization (Wim van Meurs) The Concept of Progress: The Fraught Relation between Liberalism and State Intervention (Angela Harre) The Concept of Property in Romania’s Economic-Legal History (Dietmar Müller) The Notion of Europe from the Perspective of Romanian Historical Studies (Hans Christian Maner) Images of Europe – Images of Romania (1945/1948–2008) (Armin Heinen) The Concept of Constitution in the History of Romanian Legal Thought (Edda Binder Iijima) The Concept of National Style in Artistic Historiography. Asserting a Critical Vocabulary (Ruxandra Demetrescu) The Conceptualization of National Character in the Romanian Intellectual Tradition (Balázs Trencsényi) Neam (Romanian for Kin) and Popor (Romanian for People): The Notions of Romanian Ethno-Centrism (Victor Neumann) The Concept of Totalitarianism in Romanian Socio-Political Languages (Victor Neumann) Transition, Transitions: The Conceptualization of Change in Romanian Culture (Mirela-Luminita Murgescu, Bogdan Murgescu) The History of Politics as a Dispute around the Concepts of Politics, Statesman, Political Person, Politician (Armin Heinen) Summary – Key-Concepts of Romanian History. Alternative Approaches to Socio-Political Languages (Victor Neumann, Armin Heinen) List of Contributors Name Index Index of terms and concepts

Victor Neumann, Armin Heinen (eds)

Key Concepts of Romanian History

Alternative Approaches to Socio-Political Languages

The theoretical analyses and interpretations contained in the studies of this volume focus on key-concepts such as: politics, politician, democracy, Europe, liberalism, constitution, property, progress, kinship, nation, national character and specificity, homeland, patriotism, education, totalitarianism, democracy, democratic, democratization, transition. The essays unveil specific aspects belonging to Romania's past and present. They also offer alternative perspectives on the Romanian culture through the relationship between the elite and society, and novel reflections on the delayed and unfinished modernization processes within the society and the state. The editors articulate the results coming from various sciences, such as history, linguistics, sociology, political sciences, and philosophy with the aim that the past and present profiles of Romania are better understood.
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Victor Neumann

Victor Neumann is Professor of Universal and Romanian Modern History at the the West University of Timisoara and Director of the Reinhart Koselleck International Doctoral School of Conceptual History, which he jointly founded at the same university with co-editor Armin Heinen, and which benefits from the financial support of the Volkswagen Foundation, Germany.

Armin Heinen

Armin Heninen is Professor of Pre-modern and Modern History at the University of Aachen. He studied history, political sciences and mathematics at the University of Frankfurt am Main, and he earned his PhD from the University of Trier. He obtained his docentship from the University of Saarbrücken. He is an invited professor at the University of Würzburg. He has extensively published in the fi eld of European, German, Dutch, American and French comparative history.