List of Figures
1.Anne Dunlop, Legacies of early European art in Australian collections
2.Kay Sutton, Heaven and earth: the worlds of the Rothschild Prayer Book
3.Kate Challis, The Rothschild Prayer Book as political, social, and economic agent through the ages
4.Dagmar Eichberger, ‘Women who read are dangerous’: illuminated manuscripts and female book collections in the early Renaissance
5.Libby Melzer, Medieval parchment: two Glossed Bible books in context
6.Margaret M. Manion, Beginnings and endings: the shaping of the Book of Hours
7.Elaine Shaw, An associate of the Jouvenel Master and the Breviary of Prior François Robert
8.Bernard J. Muir, Chrysalis to butterfly: an aspect of the evolution of the Book of Hours from manuscript to print
9.Jan Fox, The Sorbonne Press and the chancellor’s manuscript
10.Hilary Maddocks, Thielman Kerver’s Book of Hours of 10 September 1522 in the Kerry Stokes Collection
11.Miya Tokumitsu, An accessory of intellect: a Renaissance writing casket from the Kerry Stokes Collection
12.Callum Reid, ‘A Very Rich Adornment’: a discussion of the Stokes Cassone
13.Ursula Betka, The Dormition of the Virgin altarpiece from the Kerry Stokes Collection
14.Larry Silver, Through the son: Pieter Brueghel the Younger's Crucifixion
15.Charles Zika, The Kerry Stokes Schembart book: festivity, fashion, and family in the late medieval Nuremberg Carnival