Studying Political Communication and Media in East Asia
Studying Political Communication and Media in East Asia
A Playful Textbook
€ 80,95
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15.6 x 23.4 cm
Asian Studies
Table of Contents
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Preface: How to Use this Book
Ch. 1: Introduction – Politics, Communication, and Media in East Asia
Ch. 2: Media Systems and Political Economies
Ch. 3: Framing Politics
Ch. 4: Making Truths
Ch. 5: Visual Politics
Ch. 6: The Moving Image
Ch. 7: The Politics of Space
Ch. 8: The Politics of Digital Media
Ch. 9: The Politics of Games
Appendix A: Concepts in Gamification
Appendix B: Sample Course Setups
Appendix C: Autodidactic “Single-Player” Setup
Appendix D: Sample Assignments
Appendix E: Magazine Cover Analysis
Appendix F: XP to Grade Conversion
List of References
About the Author

Reviews and Features

“This book is one of the most qualified, if not the only, discourses on East Asian studies, media studies, and international studies. It dexterously engages with political communication and Area Studies and provides fascinating discussions fully supported by examples, reading lists, and crystal-clear explanations. The book’s rich and empirical approaches, both theoretically and methodologically, provide new insights into the interplay of media and political-economic contexts, making it essential reading for undergraduate students and even graduate students.”
– Dal Yong Jin, Distinguished SFU Professor, Simon Fraser University

“This textbook brilliantly transforms learning into an engaging, interactive, and playful journey. By integrating gamification principles—quests, experience points, and even “boss fights”—it turns teaching and learning into an immersive and mutually beneficial experience. Whether used in a structured course or as a self-directed challenge, the book equips learners with a versatile set of methods, theories, and tools to analyse complex ideas across diverse media and political contexts in East Asia. A must-read for anyone interested in how playful mechanics can reshape the educational journey, beyond learning about media and political communication in East Asia.”
– Haiqing Yu, Professor of Media and Communication, RMIT University

Florian Schneider

Studying Political Communication and Media in East Asia

A Playful Textbook

Communication is at the heart of politics, and certainly in East Asia, where vibrant media systems and cultural industries connect with political processes that range from the democratic to autocratic. If we are to understand East Asian societies, and 21st-century politics more broadly, we need to take media and communication seriously. This textbook provides a flexible toolbox of methods and theories for studying political communication. Taking its examples and exercises from Japan, Korea, and the Chinese-speaking world, it walks readers through core issues, media contents, and communicative modes. Readers will learn how to systematically analyse the politics of media environments, written and spoken words, images and visual designs, moving image, space and spatial interactions, (video)games, and more. The chapters can be used individually or, optionally, as a playful ‘gamified’ course that offers learners a first-hand experience of how complex ‘information societies’ incentivise behaviour.

Florian Schneider

Florian Schneider is Chair Professor of Modern China at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. He is managing editor of Asiascape: Digital Asia and author of numerous books and articles on political communication and media in China.

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