Cured of Cancer
Cured of Cancer
from childhood to adulthood, quality of survival
€ 70,95 excl. VAT
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16 x 24 cm
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Contents - 6 Chapter 1 - 8 Chapter 2 - 20 Chapter 3 - 32 Chapter 4 - 64 Chapter 5 - 76 Chapter 6 - 94 Chapter 7 - 118 Chapter 8 - 138 Chapter 9 - 152

N.E. Langeveld

Cured of Cancer

from childhood to adulthood, quality of survival

Neeltje Elisabeth Langeveld (1954) worked at the Emma Children’s Hospital where she was promoted to the position of Research Nurse in the Children’s Cancer Department. From 1990 she trained in Clinical Epidemiology for Nurses at the AMC. In 1996 she started the research which is the subject of this dissertation. She will remain active as Research Nurse in the Children's Cancer Department when she has completed it. This dissertation focuses on aspects of the quality of life of young adults who have recovered from childhood cancer. Some fivehundred childhood cancer survivors, aged from 16 to 49 years, were asked to complete a questionnaire during their annual clinical check up at the ‘Polikliniek Late Effecten Kindertumoren’ (plek). The dissertation compares the results with a control group of subjects who had never suffered from cancer.

N.E. Langeveld

Neeltje Elisabeth Langeveld werd geboren in augustus 1954 te Den Helder. Zij volgde vanaf 1972 de Inservice Opleiding tot A-verpleegkundige in Alkmaar. Vervolgens ging zij werken in het Emma Kinderziekenhuis waar zij na diverse functies bekleed te hebbenin dienst trad als researchverpleegkundige op de afdeling kinderoncologie. In 1990 begon zij aan de AMC-Opleiding Klinische Epidemiologie voor Verpleegkundigen. In 1996 begon zij aan het onderzoek dat beschreven is in dit proefschrift. Na haar promotie zal zij werkzaam blijven als researchverpleegkundige op de afdeling kinderoncologie