Current Issues in the Archaeology of a Sicilian Polis
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21 x 27.5 x 1.4 cm
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Introduction; (Natascha Sojc)
Il Museo Archeologico Regionale di Agrigento e le sue collezioni: punti di forza e debolezze. Spunti di riflessione; (Donatella Mangione)
Scavi sulla plateia I-L nell’area nord-est della città antica (campagne 2012, 2014). Con un contributo di Annalisa Amico; (Maria Concetta Parello)
GIS and Survey in the Archaeological and Landscape Park of Agrigento; (Oscar Belvedere)
Architecture, Cults, and Terracottas in the Archaic Sanctuaries of Akragas; Gianfranco Adornato
The monumental altar of Temple L at Agrigento: a new reconstruction; Clemens Voigts
Il progetto di restauro del tempio di Giove ad Agrigento; Heinz Beste
Le ricerche dell’Università di Palermo nel santuario di Zeus Olympios ad Agrigento; Monica de Cesare, Elisa Chiara Portale
Il materiale votivo e di uso rituale nel Santuario di S. Anna (Agrigento): note sugli aspetti cultuali e socio-politici; Caterina Trombi
The Metal Votive Objects from the Sanctuary of S. Anna in their Sicilian Context; Holger Baitinger
Investigating S. Anna (Agrigento): Overview of the 2013 survey; Natascha Sojc
Geophysical Surveys at the Extra-Urban Sanctuary of S. Anna; Kenneth L. Kvamme
The S. Anna Mapping Project by the Leiden ArcLand Field School; Johanna Stöger
Agrigento, ricognizione di superficie in località S. Anna: i reperti; Linda Adorno

Natascha Sojc (ed.)


Current Issues in the Archaeology of a Sicilian Polis

"Over the past few years, the archaeological and architectural investigation of ancient Akragas (modern Agrigento) in Sicily has gathered new momentum. This book brings together various researchers who investigate the Greek period remains of Akragas, an ostentatiously wealthy city state that was politically powerful and culturally formative. The issues discussed range from methodological approaches and the interpretation of fresh field-data, to concerns of site maintenance and the reconstruction of monuments. The outcome is presented in thirteen contributions, arranged into sections on extramural survey, urban sanctuaries, housing, and on the suburban sanctuary at S. Anna. The contributors to this volume offer perspectives for further research on the monuments, finds, and contexts from ancient Akragas. These extend beyond strictly archaeological concerns, and as manifested by Agrigento’s status as a UNESCO world heritage site, are also of relevance to wider audiences."

Natascha Sojc

Natascha Sojc is professor for Classical Archaeology at the University of Augsburg. She held the Byvanck Chair of Classical Archaeology at Leiden University 2009-2014.