New Perspectives on Games and Interaction
New Perspectives on Games and Interaction
€ 70,95 excl. VAT
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15.6 x 23.4 cm
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9789089640574 - 2 Table of Contents - 6 Preface - 8 The Logic of Conditional Doxastic Actions - 10 Comments on 'The Logic of Conditional Doxastic Actions' - 34 Belief Revision in a Temporal Framework - 46 Yet more Modal Logic of Preference Change and Belief Revision - 82 Meaningful Talk - 106 A Study in the Pragmatic of Persuasion: a Game Theoretical Approach - 122 On Glazer and Rubenstein on Persuasion - 142 Solution Concepts and Algorithms for Infinite Multiplayer Games - 152 Games in Language - 180 'Games That Make Sense': Logic, Language and Multi-Agent Interaction - 198 Solution of Church's Problem: A Tutorial - 212 Modal Dependence Logic - 238 Declarations of Dependence - 256 Backward Induction and Common Strong Belief of Rationality - 266 Efficient Coalitions in Boolean Games - 284 Interpretation if Optimal Signals - 300 A Criterion for the Existence of Pure and Stationary Optimal Strategies in Markov Decision Processes - 314

R. van Rooij, Krzysztof Apt (eds)

New Perspectives on Games and Interaction

'New Perspectives in Book History. Contributions from the Low Countries' is published on the occasion of the fourteenth annual conference of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) in The Hague and Leiden, July 2006. SHARP is the leading international scholarly association for historians of print culture, with more than 1,200 members worldwide.
This volume comprises contributions from both young and established scholars from ten different universities in the Low Countries. Subjects range from Leuven University in the 15th-18th centuries, 17th-century pedlars and 20th-century publishing, to the application of business history theory when researching modern publishing firms.

New findings such as book lotteries and the application of new theories - such as network analysis for book history research - are described and applied in this compilation. The international position of the Netherlands is explored in articles on the relationship between Germany and the Netherlands, on scouting for translations in England, on the Elsevier Company and on translations from the French. Together these contributions form a pattern-card of book history research in the Low Countries today.

Krzysztof Apt

Krzysztof Apt is hoogleraar Informatica aan het ILLC en onderzoeker bij het Centrrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI).