The Fateful Journey
The Fateful Journey
The Expedition of Alexine Tinne and Theodor von Heuglin in Sudan (1863-1864)
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19 x 25 cm
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Contents - 7 Prologue - 11 Introduction - 17 Sudan: the place for adventure,trade and science - 27 The White Nile and Khartoum - 61 Preparations for the journey - 75 To the Bahr el-Ghazal - 95 Beyond the Bahr el-Ghazal - 109 The reversal of fortune - 123 A pause in Cairo - 163 After Cairo - 177 Epilogue - 203 Appendices - 207 The White Nile excursion of the Tinne party - 209 Khartoum in the summer of 1862 - 217 Khartoum - 219 Sudan - 228 Letters A. Tinne from Khartoum and Berber - 235 Tidings from Cairo - 245 Petermann’s maps of 1865 and 1869 - 266 Explanatory notes to the consulted sources - 277 Acknowledgements - 281 Source Notes - 283 Catalogue - 301 Introduction to the ethnographic collections - 303 Notes Catalogue - 326 Catalogue Alexine Tinne collection - 328 Catalogue Von Heuglin collection - 386 The Tinne collection Appendix - 416 Catalogue Alexine Tinne collection - 425 Catalogue Von Heuglin collection - 435 The Tinne collection. Appendix - 440 Bibliography - 443 Index - 449 Photo credits - 456 Blank Page

Reviews and Features

"In het midden van de 19de eeuw trokken twee deftige Haagse dames door duister Afrika, op zoek naar het ultieme avontuur. Ze vonden het. (...) Historicus Robert Joost Willink, verbonden aan de Leidse universiteit als Afrika-onderzoeker en geïntrigeerd door Alexines etnografische nalatenschap, reconstrueert in The Fateful Journey deze onderneming tot in de finesses. Hij kon beschikken over het familie-archief van de Tinnes, waar Clara Eggink voor haar boek De merkwaardige reizen van Henriëtte en Alexandrine Tinne (1960) geen toegang toe kreeg. Tussen de brieven en beslommeringen van de dames door schakelt Willink in zijn boek ook steeds over naar het traject, het veldonderzoek en de publicaties van Theodor von Heuglin, een Duitse zoöloog, geograaf en ontdekkingsreiziger die meetrok in het kielzog van de Tinnes en hen met zijn expertise bijstond. Geen notitie van Heuglin, geen reisverslag is aan Willinks aandacht ontsnapt." - NRC, Marianne Vermeijden (27 januari 2012)

Joost Willink

The Fateful Journey

The Expedition of Alexine Tinne and Theodor von Heuglin in Sudan (1863-1864)

This compelling, richly illustrated work recounts the African journeys of the intrepid Dutch traveller Alexine Tinne (1835-1869). Heiress to a huge fortune –she was at the time the richest woman in the country – and bored with the royal court intrigues in The Hague, Tinne left for Egypt and Sudan accompanied by her mother Henriette Tinne-Van Capellen, ultimately settling in Khartoum. On her expedition in 1862-64, Tinne was joined by the German zoologist Theodor von Heuglin: the whole party set out for the as yet uncharted Bahr-el-Ghazal, hoping to explore that region and ascertain how far westward the Nile basin extended.
After four years of research in the Tinne archives, including hitherto unknown correspondence, photos and other documents, Willink presents a dramatic account of Tinne’s eventful expedition, casting new light on the events which ultimately ended with Tinne’s murder, most likely by the tribesmen who believed there was gold hidden in her water tanks. In addition, Willink casts a new light on the excitement and the dangers of travel in colonial Africa’s uncharted territories before and after Tinne’s enterprise, revealing to what extent her gruesome death had been foreshadowed in the earlier years and how it would reverberate in the years to come.
An accomplished photographer and collector of artefacts, Tinne left a wealth of material from her travels, and many items are reproduced here in colour, bearing testimony to her fascination with Africa.

Joost Willink

Dr. Robert Joost Willink is, as an independent historian, Associate Fellow Researcher, Social Movements & Political Culture Group, African Studies Centre at Leiden