"The book Neighbourhoods for the City in Pacific Asia provides through its detailed comparative study compelling arguments for the importance of the neighbourhood as unit of analysis, the potentials neighbourhoods have for local community action, and how such action is related to the rest of the city and scalar government relations. I found it an interesting and compelling read, not only for Ho’s endeavour to argue for the continuing relevance of neighbourhood studies, but also for the narratives provided in the case studies."
- Mia Arp Fallov, Aalborg University, Denmark, Asian Journal of Social Science 49 (2021)
"This book will contribute significantly to the comparative urban studies literature and meaningfully extend current understanding of neighbourhoods, communities, localism and urban governance."
- Richard Ronald, Professor of Housing, Society & Space in Amsterdam University’s Geography and Planning Department
"This path-breaking book compares neighbourhoods in five different Asian national settings, enabling a nuanced analysis of how actions at neighbourhood and city levels have national and global dimensions."
- Mike Douglass, Emeritus Professor of Urban Planning, University of Hawaii