Politics of Feeling in Songs of the Dutch Revolutionary Period
Politics of Feeling in Songs of the Dutch Revolutionary Period
€ 124,00 excl. VAT
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15.6 x 23.4 cm
Table of Contents
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A Note on Language and Music
Introduction: Politics of Feeling in Songs of the Dutch Revolutionary Period
Part I: Activating Political Bodies
1. Songs of the Patriot Citizens
2. Singing an Orangist Counterpoint
Part II: Constructing Emotional Bonds
3. Singing Together in Exile
4. The Sound of Revolution
Part III: Legitimizing a New Order
5. Songs of a New Batavian Nation
6. Singing on the Stage of European Conflict
Conclusions: Listening to Singing Communities
Epilogue: Napoleonic Transformations and a Return to the Old Order
List of Songs
List of Tunes
List of Illustrations

Renée Vulto

Politics of Feeling in Songs of the Dutch Revolutionary Period

This book sheds new light on the intertwined history of music and politics through an exploration of Dutch political songs. In the emotionally charged climate of the Dutch revolutionary period at the close of the eighteenth century, songs became a powerful voice, speaking directly to people’s bodies to engage them in political action. Emphasizing the performative nature of the songs and the interplay between imagination and embodied expression in singing practices, this book shows how beyond merely creating communities, the songs were also instrumental in mobilising, imagining, and affirming these collectives. It uncovers the diverse roles of these songs, showing how they were used to polarize and unite, to mourn and celebrate, and how they were employed to imagine and to embody togetherness throughout the Dutch revolutionary period, thereby creating a fixed repertoire of feelings on which various political regimes of that time relied.

Renée Vulto

Renée Vulto is Assistant Professor in Cultural History at Utrecht University. She has a background in Musicology and holds a Ph.D. in Literary Studies from Ghent University (2021). In her research she is interested in the political roles of song and sound, especially in situations of conflict and violence.