The Czech and Slovak Republics

M. Mark Stolarik
The Czech and Slovak Republics
Twenty years of Independence, 1993–2013
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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M. Mark Stolarik

Part I: The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia
Chapter 1: The “Velvet Split” of Czechoslovakia (1989–1992)
Jan Rychlík
Chapter 2: Czechoslovakia’s Dissolution Twenty Years After
Michael Kraus
Chapter 3: The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia. The Slovak Perspective
Jozef Žatkuliak and Adam Hudek
Chapter 4: The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia: The Slovak Perspective
Stanislav J. Kirschbaum
Chapter 5: The Slovak Republic After Twenty Years
Jozef Moravčík
Chapter 6: The Czech Republic After Twenty Years: Gains and Losses
Petr Pithart

Part II: Political Developments After 1993
Chapter 7: Of People, Mice and Gorillas: Slovak Politics Twenty Years After
Juraj Hocman
Chapter 8: Thinking Big About a Small Country: On Juraj Hocman’s “Of People, Mice and Gorillas”
Kevin Deegan-Krause
Chapter 9: Letting Czechoslovakia Go: Czech Political Developments Since 1993
Adéla Gjuričová
Chapter 10: Czech Political Developments Since 1993: Some Comments
Carol Skalnik Leff

Part III: Economic Developments After 1993
Chapter 11: Economic Developments in Slovakia Since 1993
Ľudovít Hallon, Miroslav Londák, and Adam Hudek
Chapter 12: To Neoliberalism and Back? Twenty Years of Economic Policy in Slovakia
John A. Gould
Chapter 13: Economic Developments in the Czech Republic, 1993–2013
Martin Pospíšil
Chapter 14: The Czech Economic Transition: From Leader to Laggard
Sharon Fisher

Part IV: Social Developments After 1993
Chapter 15: Reflections on Social Developments in Slovakia, 1993–2013
Martin Bútora and Zora Bútorová
Chapter 16: Social Developments in Slovakia after Twenty Years: The Impact of Politics
Sharon L. Wolchik
Chapter 17: Social Developments in the Czech Republic Since 1993
Oldřich Tůma
Chapter 18: Some Comments on “Social Developments in the Czech Republic”
James W. Peterson


M. Mark Stolarik

The Czech and Slovak Republics

Twenty years of Independence, 1993–2013

The essays in the book compare the Czech Republic and Slovakia since the breakup of Czechoslovakia in 1993. The papers deal with the causes of the divorce and discuss the political, economic and social developments in the new countries. This is the only English-language volume that presents the synoptic findings of leading Czech, Slovak, and North American scholars in the field.The authors include two former Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, eight leading scholars (four Czechs and four Slovaks), and eight knowledgeable commentators from North America. The most significant new insight is that in spite of predictions by various pundits in the Western World that Czechia would flourish after the breakup and Slovakia would languish, the opposite has happened. While the Czech Republic did well in its early years, it is now languishing while Slovakia, which had a rough start, is now doing very well. Anyone interested in the history of the Czech and Slovak Republics over the last twenty years will find gratification in reading this book.

M. Mark Stolarik

M. Mark Stolarik is Professor of History and holder of the Chair in Slovak History and Culture at the University of Ottawa. From 1979 to 1991 he was President and CEO of the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies in Philadelphia, and Director of its press. He is a specialist in the history of immigration and ethnic groups in North America, with emphasis on the Slovak experience.