Muslim Land, Christian Labor

Anna M. Mirkova
Muslim Land, Christian Labor
Transforming Ottoman Imperial Subjects into Bulgarian National Citizens, c. 1878-1939
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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List of Maps, Tables, and Illustrations
List of Key Ottoman Turkish and Bulgarian Terms
Note on Names, Transliterations, and Dates


Chapter 1. The Eastern Crisis, Russia’s “Civilizing Mission” in the Balkans, and the Emergence of Eastern Rumelia
Chapter 2. Repatriation, Postwar Reconstruction, and the Limits of Pluralism in Eastern Rumelia
Chapter 3. An Experiment in Pluralistic Governance: Emigration and the Emergence of National Politics
Chapter 4. Anchoring Unified Bulgaria on “Muslim” Land
Chapter 5. Muslim Land vs. Bulgarian Labor: The Cost of Building a Modern Capitalist Nation
Chapter 6. Land, Nation, Minority
Chapter 7. Debating Community and Citizenship


Select Bibliography

Anna M. Mirkova

Muslim Land, Christian Labor

Transforming Ottoman Imperial Subjects into Bulgarian National Citizens, c. 1878-1939

Focusing upon a region in Southern Bulgaria, a region that has been the crossroads between Europe and Asia for many centuries, this book describes how former Ottoman Empire Muslims were transformed into citizens of Balkan nation-states. This is a region marked by shifting borders, competing Turkish and Bulgarian sovereignties, rival nationalisms, and migration. Problems such as these were ultimately responsible for the disintegration of the dynastic empires into nation-states. Land that had traditionally belonged to Muslims—individually or communally—became a symbolic and material resource for Bulgarian state building and was the terrain upon which rival Bulgarian and Turkish nationalisms developed in the wake of the dissolution of the late Ottoman Empire and the birth of early republican Turkey and the introduction of capitalism. By the outbreak of World War II, Turkish Muslims had become a polarized national minority. Their conflicting efforts to adapt to post-Ottoman Bulgaria brought attention to the increasingly limited availability of citizenship rights, not only to Turkish Muslims, but to Bulgarian Christians as well.

Anna M. Mirkova

Anna M. Mirkova is Assistant Professor of History at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.