From Central Planning to the Market

Libor Zidek
From Central Planning to the Market
Transformation of the Czech Economy 1989 – 2004
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List of Figures
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List of Acronyms

1 Situation In Czechoslovakia at the End of the 1980s
1.1 Economic outcomes of the socialist regime
1.2 Functioning of the socialist system
1.2.1 Main features of the planning system
1.2.2 Institutions

2 Political Development
2.1 Overall evaluation of the political development

3 Transformation Process In General
3.1 Transformation strategy

4 Reform Measures and Economic Policy
4.1 1990–1993: basic transformation measures
4.2 1994–1996: growth PHASE
4.3 1997–1999: recession stage

5 Basic Economic Indicators
5.1 1990–1992: transformation recession
5.2 1993–1996: recovery and boom
5.3 1997–1999: recession
5.4 1999–2003: recovery and growth
5.5 Output comparison
5.6 Unemployment
5.7 Inflation

6 External Balance
6.1 Foreign trade
6.1.1 Situation before 1989
6.1.2 Liberalization and subsequent development
6.1.3 Foreign trade development factors
6.1.4 Changes in foreign trade
6.2 Other items on the current account
6.2.1 Balance of services
6.2.2 Balance of revenues
6.2.3 Current transfers
6.3 Financial account
6.3.1 Foreign direct investment
6.3.2 Other components of the financial account
6.4 balance of payments: summary
6.5 Migration

7 Change of Propoperty Relations and Privatization
7.1 Restitutions
7.2 Small privatization
7.3 Mass LZ: large privatization is used quite comonly so I wanted to show both possibilities privatization, 1991–1994
Dispute about the pace of privatization
Privatization project: Strategy
7.3.1 Privatization Methods
7.3.2 Voucher privatization
7.3.3 Dispute about the mass privatization as a whole
7.4 Privatization after 1995
7.4.1 Privatization as such
7.4.2 Changes in ownership structure
7.5 Privatization results

8 Banking Sector and Stock Exchange
8.1 Banking sector before 1989
8.2 banking sector DEVELOPMENT at the beginning of the transformation
8.2.1 New banks
8.2.2 Special banks
8.2.3 Dispute about banking loans
8.3 Crisis in the banking sector
8.4 Healing of the banking sector
8.4.1 Government help
8.4.2 Privatization of banks
8.5 Stock exchange

9 Enterprises During Transformation
9.1 Situation of enterprises at the beginning of THE transformation
9.2 Impact of reforms on the enterprises
9.3 Establishing new enterprises
9.4 Restructuring of enterprises
9.4.1 Definition
9.4.2 Dispute about restructuring at the beginning of transformation
9.4.3 How did restructuring proceed?
9.5 Development in various spheres of business activities

10 Development of Institutions
10.1 General institutional development
10.2 Development of formal vERSUS informal institutions
10.3 Legal system
10.3.1 Developmet of the legal environment
10.3.2 Criticism of the legal environment
10.3.3 Law enforceability: System of courts
10.3.4 Measuring of the legal environment quality
10.4 Bankruptcy law
10.5 Corruption
10.6 Market environment: economic freedom

11 Transformation in Hungary
11.1 Long-TERM political development
11.2 Economic situation and development before 1989
11.3 Political development LZ: IN TrANSITION
11.4 Basis of economic transformation
11.4.1 Gradualist period
11.4.2 The Bokros package
11.4.3 Currency problems at the beginning of the twenty-first century
11.5 Privatization
11.6 Economic results
11.6.1 Economic growth
11.6.2 Structure of ....

Libor Zidek

From Central Planning to the Market

Transformation of the Czech Economy 1989 – 2004

This book describes the process of the Czech economic transformation from the beginning of the 1990s to the country's entry into the European Union in 2004. This transformation is divided into four periods: an initial recession caused by the transformation; economic growth in the mid-1990s; a recession connected to the currency crisis of 1997; and recovery and growth from 1999 until 2004, when the analysis ends. The examination covers the main aspects of the transformation – an overall view of the process, political transition, economic policy, economic results (GDP development, inflation, unemployment), changes in outside indicators (balance of payments), privatization, transformation of the financial sector, and changes in the business sector and institutional development. The book also compares Czech development in this transformative era to those of Poland and Hungary. As in Hungary and Poland, the Czech Republic underwent an exceptional qualitative shift from a system centrally planned to one that was market-based. The book concludes that despite mistakes and hardships, the overall transformation process in Central Europe has been successful.
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Libor Zidek

Libor Žídek is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.