The Rise of Populist Nationalism

Balázs MajtényiMargit Feischmidt (ed.)
The Rise of Populist Nationalism
Social Resentments and Capturing the Constitution in Hungary
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15.9 x 23.4 cm
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Table of Contents
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Margit Feischmidt and Balázs Majtényi

Constitutional Continuity Disrupted
Kriszta Kovács

Continuity, Discontinuity and Constitution-Making: A Comparative Account
Zsolt Körtvélyesi

A Nation Torn Apart by its Constitution? Nationality and Ethnicity in the Context of the Hungarian Fundamental Law
Nóra Chronowski

Towards an Illiberal Extraterritorial Political Community? Hungary’s ‘Simplified Naturalization’ and its Ramifications
Chris Moreh

Shift in the Hungarian Roma Policy after 2010
Balázs Majtényi and György Majtényi

New Forms of Nationalism in and the Discursive Construction of the Gypsy Other
Margit Feischmidt

Civil Society and the Right-Wing Radicalization of the Public Sphere in Hungary
Virág Molnár

What Lies Beneath the Appeal of the Radical Right to Elite Skilled Workers? The Impact of Deeply Ingrained Nationalism and Perceptions of Multiple Exploitations
Eszter Bartha and András Tóth

Who Brings the Political Change? Divergent Understandings of Politics Among Politically Active Students
Dániel Oross, Dániel Róna and Andrea Szabó

List of Contributors

Balázs Majtényi

Margit Feischmidt (ed.)

The Rise of Populist Nationalism

Social Resentments and Capturing the Constitution in Hungary

The authors of this book approach the emergence and endurance of the populist nationalism in post-socialist Eastern Europe, with special emphasis on Hungary. They attempt to understand the reasons behind public discourses that increasingly reframe politics in terms of nationhood and nationalism. Overall, the volume attempts to explain how the new nationalism is rooted in recent political, economic and social processes. The contributors focus on two motifs in public discourse: shift and legacy. Some focus on shifts in public law and shifts in political ethno-nationalism through the lens of constitutional law, while others explain the social and political roots of these shifts. Others discuss the effects of legacy in memory and culture and suggest that both shift and legacy combine to produce the new era of identity politics. Legal experts emphasize that the new Fundamental Law of Hungary is radically different from all previous Hungarian constitutions, and clearly reflects a redefinition of the Hungarian state itself. The authors further examine the role of developments in the fields of sociology and political science that contribute to the kind of politics in which identity is at the fore.

Balázs Majtényi

Balázs Majtényi is Researcher, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies, and Associate Professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Social Sciences.


Margit Feischmidt

Margit Feischmidt is Head of Research Department, Research Chair, Institute for Minority Studies at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest, Hungary; Associate Professor at University of Pécs, Institute for Media and Communication Studies.