A Bibliography of East European Travel Writing on Europe

Wendy Bracewell, Alex Drace-Francis (eds)
A Bibliography of East European Travel Writing on Europe
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Introduction 1. Albanian Rigels Halili, Enkelejda Shtjefni, Enkelena Qafleshi 2. Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and Serbo-Croatian Wendy Bracewell 3. Bulgarian Diana Atanassova 4. Czech David Chirico, Daniel Rehák 5. Greek Annita Panaretou, Maria Kostaridou 6. Hebrew and Yiddish Mikhail Kizilov 7. Hungarian Zsuzsanna Varga 8. Macedonian Zora Kostadinova, Igor Danilovi¿ 9. Romanian Alex Drace-Francis 10. Polish Kate Wilson, Karin Friedrich 11. Slovak Michal Sojka 12. Slovene Barbara Vodopivec 13. Ukrainian Vladislava Reznik 14. Languages of International Circulation Wendy Bracewell, Alex Drace-Francis 15. Travel Accounts of Europe: An Auxiliary Bibliography Alex Drace-Francis Index of itineraries Index of translations

Wendy Bracewell, Alex Drace-Francis (eds)

A Bibliography of East European Travel Writing on Europe

The bibliography volume of the three-volume East Looks West: East European Travel Writing in Europe collates travel writing published in book form by east Europeans travelling in Europe from ca. 1550 to 2000. It is intended as a fundamental research tool, collecting together travel writings within each national/linguistic tradition, and enabling comparative analysis of such material. It fills an important gap in the existing reference literature, both in western and east European languages, and will be of use to those working in the growing fields of comparative travel writing, regional and national identities, and postcolonialism.

These texts exist in surprisingly large numbers, and include writings of high literary quality as well as of historical interest, but they have been relatively little studied as a genre. Much of this material is rare and difficult to find, even in national libraries. As a result, there are few bibliographical surveys of the literature of east European travel and self-representation, and none that are region-wide or comparative in scope.

This is the third volume of a three-part set of East Looks West.
Vol. 1. Orientations. An Anthology of East European Travel Writing on Europe.
Vol. 2. Undern Eastern Eyes. A Comparative Introduction to East European Travel Writing on Europe.

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Alex Drace-Francis

Alex Drace-Francis is Associate Professor of Modern European Literary and Cultural History at the University of Amsterdam. He has published widely on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Romanian and Balkan social, cultural and literary history; on travel writing and circulation of ideas and images; and on European identity as a whole.