Liberals, Conservatives, and Mavericks

Frank Cibulka, Zachary T. Irwin (eds)
Liberals, Conservatives, and Mavericks
On Christian Churches of Eastern Europe since 1980. A Festschrift for Sabrina P. Ramet
€ 165,00 excl. VAT
Number of pages
Publication date
15.5 x 22.9 cm
Table of Contents
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Zachary T. Irwin

Patriarch Kirill: Arenas of Leadership and Challenges of the 21st Century Russian Orthodox Church
Jerry G. Pankhurst and Alar Kilp

Patriarch Filaret and the Orthodox Church in Soviet and Post-Soviet Ukraine
Kathryn David

Radio Maryja and Fr. Rydzyk as a Creator of the National-Catholic Ideology
Ireneusz Krzeminski

Religious Issues and Church-State Relations in Eastern Germany
Robert F. Goeckel

The Priest and the Bishops: Monsignor Tomáš Halík and the Struggle for the Soul of the Czech Roman Catholic Church
Frank Cibulka

One God, One Episcopate, One Nation: The Making of the Public Identity of Catholic Hierarchy in Post-Socialist Slovakia
Agáta Šustová-Drelová

A Church on the Margins: Reverend Gábor Iványi and the Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship
Christopher P. Adam

Gheorghe Calciu-Dumitreasa, the Forgotten Anticommunist Dissident
Lavinia Stan

Global and Local in the Response of Orthodox Churches to the First Wave of the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Special Focus on the Case of Bulgaria
Daniela Kalkandjieva

In Defense of Darwin: Is there a Liberal Wing within the Serbian Orthodox Church?
Milan Vukomanović

Catholic Church in Croatia: Legal Framework and Social Frictions
Siniša Zrinščak and Frane Staničić  

The Slovene Roman Catholic Church Yesterday and Today
Jože Pirjevec

The Curious Case of the Macedonian Church: A Survey of the Past and Present
Zachary T. Irwin

The Derailed Christian Mission: Neoliberal Globalization Claims another Victory in Post-Communist Albania
Isa Blumi

Reflections on the Role and Functions of Religion in Eastern Europe and Elsewhere
Sabrina P. Ramet

How Does She Know All of This? Sabrina Ramet's Contribution to the Field of Slavic Studies and Beyond
Aleksander Zdravkovski

Frank Cibulka

Appendix: List of Sabrina Ramet’s Publications

Frank Cibulka, Zachary T. Irwin (eds)

Liberals, Conservatives, and Mavericks

On Christian Churches of Eastern Europe since 1980. A Festschrift for Sabrina P. Ramet

No Church is monolithic—this is the preliminary premise of this volume on the public place of religion in a representative number of post-communist countries. The studies confirm that within any religious organization we can expect to find fissures, factions, theological or ideological quarrels, and perhaps even competing interest groups, such as missionary workers, regular clergy versus secular clergy, and sometimes even competing ecclesiastical hierarchies. The main focus of the book rests on the divisions arising within select Christian Churches, as they confront the processes of secularization and atheization. The coverage area includes Russia and the Ukraine, East-Central Europe and South-Eastern Europe. Some chapters focus on individual clergy who challenge the mainstream of their given Church either from a more liberal or from a more conservative perspective, while others deal with the divisive forces impacting the religious organizations.

This festschrift to honor Sabrina Ramet’s seminal contribution to the study of religion in the politics of the communist and post-communist world, brings together several generations of scholars from a variety of countries, both those well established in their fields of study as well as young promising academics.


Frank Cibulka

Frank Cibulka is Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Zayed University, Abu Dhabi.

Zachary T. Irwin

Zachary T. Irwin is Associate Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Behrend College, Pennsylvania State University.