Liberalism in Modern Times

Ernest Gellner, Cesar Cansino (eds)
Liberalism in Modern Times
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Notes on Contributors Acknowledgements Post Scriptum Triste Introdution José G. Merquior Part I On Merquiorian Thought 1. A panoramic View on the Renaissance of Liberalism José G. Merquior 2. Merquior and Liberalism Helio Jaguaribe 3. Modernity and Postmodernity in the Thought of José Merquior Gregory R. Johnson 4. Merquior the Liberalist Roberto Campos 5. Variations on a Theme by J. G. Merquior Part II On Merquiorian Themes 6. Liberalism and Trust John A. Hall 7. Adam Ferguson and the Surprising Robustness of Civil Society Ernest Gellner 8. Politics and Morality Norberto Bobbio 9. On Deliberation: Rethinking Democracy as Politics Itself Ramon Maiz 10. On `Postmodern` Scepticism Raymond Boudon 11. The Futures of Latin America: Conservative or Liberal-Democratic? Part III. On Merquior's Life and Work 12. José G. Merquior, 1941-1991 Celso Lafer 13. Annotated Bibliography of José G. Merquior César Cansino and Victr Alarcon Index

Ernest Gellner, Cesar Cansino (eds)

Liberalism in Modern Times

This fascinating study pays tribute to the life and work of the Brazilian essayist, thinker and diplomat José G. Merquior, who died prematurely in 1991. Part I concentrates on Merquiorian thought itself and examines Merquior's own incisive review of the rebirth of the liberal idea. Part II ranges more widely: here, such distinguished contributors as John Hall, Ernest Gellner and Norberto Bobbio develop some of Merquior's favourite themes – liberalism as it relates to social cohesion, political stability, morality, republicanism and democracy, and the relativeness and scepticism that characterize postmodern thinking. The book's application to two regions of the world – to Merquior's own Latin America and to Central and Eastern Europe – is direct and obvious.
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Ernest Gellner

Ernest Gellner was head of the Centre for the Study of Nationalism, Central European University, Prague.