The Pãltinis Diary

Gabriel Liiceanu
The Pãltinis Diary
A Paideic Model in Humanist Culture
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Commuting to Castalia: Noica's `School`, Culture and Power in Communist Romania by Sorin Antohi

By way of preface

Pãltinis Diary
21st to 24th March 1977
2nd to 12th October 1977
12th to 19th Novermber 1978
11th to 28th December 1978
17th to 25th February 1979
27th Semptember to 5th October 1979
21st to 26th January 1980
23rd to 25th March 1980
19th to 22nd November 1980
October to December 1980
19th to 25th January 1981
7th to 11th May 1981
July 1981

Addendum to a biography

Gabriel Liiceanu

The Pãltinis Diary

A Paideic Model in Humanist Culture

The intellectual resistance to totalitarian regimes can take many forms. This remarkable volume portrays one such story of resistance in Romania during the reign of Ceauşescu: that of Constantin Noica, one of the country’s foremost intellectuals.

Noica was an original thinker belonging to the remarkable intellectual generation of important figures such as Mircea Eliade, E. M. Cioran and Eugene Ionescu, but he chose to stay in Romania after the communist takeover when many others fled. Harassed and jailed for six years, Noica retreated to the mountains and gathered around him some brilliant young minds and future talent to challenge and nurture them in a time when communism denied them the materials of true intellectual importance.

This group of students withdrew to Noica’s retreat for intensive philosophical sessions to debate the works of Kant, Plato, Heidegger and discuss humanistic values. The author of this volume Liiceanu, himself a brilliant philosopher, was Noica’s closest disciple and during every meeting he noted every conversation in a diary which came to be known as The Păltiniş Diary. These conversations were secretly published and quickly devoured by intellectuals in Romania who were prepared to sacrifice part of their food provisions to acquire the book. The Păltiniş Diary sold out within a matter of days and because of Secret Police censorship, was not published again in Romania until 1991 by which time Noica had died and the group had disbanded to help with the reconstruction of post-Ceauşescu Romania.

The Păltiniş Diary is a wonderful homage to an intellectual master and to the power of intellect and freedom. The book will be of interest to philosophers, non-philosophers alike, and to anyone who seeks to grasp the true meaning of survival under totalitarian conditions. 

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Gabriel Liiceanu

Gabriel Liiceanu, is Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest. He is founder and director of the publishing house Humanitas.