CEU Press

Introduction: The Revival of the State
Miklós Szanyi
Chapter 1. Crisis Management in Europe: Nationalizations and Privatizations
Éva Voszka
Chapter 2. The Changing Role of the State in France: from Crisis to Crisis
Miklós Somai
Chapter 3. The Involvement of the State in the German Economy
Zsófia Naszádos
Chapter 4. The Relationship between State and Private Enterprise in the Austrian Economy
István Kőrösi
Chapter 5. Some Aspects of State Ownership in East-Central European Transition
Miklós Szanyi
Chapter 6. Listed Companies with State Ownership. The Case of Poland
Éva Ozsvald
Chapter 7. The Changing Role of the State in Slovenia: Privatizations and Banks' consolidations
Miklós Somai
Chapter 8. The Role of State Ownership in and after Hungary's Transition to Market Economy
Miklós Szanyi
Chapter 9. The Changing Role of the State in Development in Emerging Economies: The Developmental State Perspective
Judit Ricz
Chapter 10. A Successful Model of State Capitalism: Singapore
Katalin Völgyi
Chapter 11. The Changing Role of the State in the Turkish Economy
Tamás Szigetvári
Chapter 12. Strong State Influence in the Brazilian Economy: Continuity or Change?
Judit Ricz
Concluding Remarks and Further Research Agenda
Miklós Szanyi
List of Contributors
Miklos Szanyi is director of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.